It's April. April is supposed to be rainy, but warm. The flowers bud. The green things come to life. Spring is in full bloom.
But not today. No, today it is snowing. SNOWING!!! I don't live in Canada. I don't live in Michigan (sorry, Sarah). I don't live in Colorado (sorry, Kork). I live in Southern Illinois. It is not supposed to snow in Southern Illinois in April. Especially not all stinking day long! The ground isn't cold enough for it to stick, thank goodness, but it's been coming down all day. Ick.
It had better warm up before Thursday because Daddy & the Queen Mother are coming to visit...and then Princess, Axl, and H.T. If it's not at least 60, Axl may never ever come back. As it stands he'll wear flannel lined jeans & a stocking cap all weekend even if it is 60.
I'm brewing a pot of coffee because I cannot get warm. Ugh.
Today Husband, the babies, and I went to town to get pig feed (we're getting a pig on Wednesday to raise to butcher) & so I could get a hair cut. I wanted to pick up New Moon too but Wal-Mart was out of everything except three hard back copies of Twilight. Good grief. NM's girlfriend said she's loan me her copy of New Moon, but I was being impatient. Now I have to wait. Oh well. Life will go on even if I don't know what's happening in Forks.
When you find out where to complain, I will sign up, too.
We're up here in MI right now, and it's been snowing alot since Sunday night. Thankfully it warmed up some during the day yesterday and it melted much of what came down during the night. It's currently coming down hard again.
So sorry darling! I would be more sympathetic, but we're slated to get more snow tomorrow night, and then again Saturday night into Sunday...
After the 27 inch drift on my deck last week, I'm more than ready for today's 65 degree forecast, and have already loaded up the bag into the trailer, and we're going for a ride when Tiny Princess wakes up.
Tel Axl to get his head out of...the sand, suck it up, man up,'s not about him when they get's all about you, Princess and the fam...he can deal! OK...I know you won't really tell him that, but this way, if your "bad child" gets the better of you, you can blame it on me! :D
Stay warm, tune in to some NCIS, and drink a couple of cups for me will ya?
NM's GF will try to get the book to you over Easter break :)
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