At the moment, I have a few favs. First & foremost is my Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream. During my pregnancies, my skin does odd things. Early in the game it gets mondo greasy & I have a major blemish fight on my hands. By the end of the 9 months my skin is so dry I could do finish sanding with it. But many lotions & soaps make my neck break out in an odd rash even if I'm not using the product on my neck.
A few months ago I bought a little tube of this lotion & I love it. It's lasted MUCH longer than I imagined because a little goes a long way. I can use it on my neck without fear of odd bumps, and if the rest of me needs it, it's an all purpose kind of moisturizer (it's actually not labeled as a facial moisturizer at all). It can be a tad on the heavy side, so I mainly use it at night & then a lighter lotion during the day.
Secondly there's my Cherry Carmex. Don't leave home without it...not even to go walking. And try to keep it put up high because B.B. has some kind of odd lip balm fetish. He can wreck a brand new tube in under 30 seconds.
Last, but certainly not least, is my new best friend. Pantene Texturize! Moussing Foam Wax. After chopping the length off my hair last fall, I discovered I could no longer live in denial any more. After 4 pregnancies, my hair had changed. It's always been fine, thick, and straight. No longer. It's still thick, but the fine part is beginning to fade, and the straight part is a thing of the past.
For months I've battled the wave that's taken up residence on the back of my head (seriously, why only the back of my head?). Smoothing creams, the blow dryer, and my flat iron have been my constant companions. When too busy or lazy to tame the tangle, my hair would grow to rather surprising heights & flail about as it saw fit. It was not attractive. And looked oddly like my MIL's hair...never really a good thing no matter how nice your MIL's hair is. It brings up all kinds of Oedipul issues. Eww.
A few weeks ago, I decided to break this stuff back out. I bought it when my hair was clear down my back, but realized it was too difficult to deal with in those vast amounts (at least for me). This time I waxed up while my hair was still wet & dried it with a diffuser attachment. And Voila:
Embracing the wave! It keeps it some what tamed while still allowing the wave to shine through. And it takes a fraction of the time it takes to blow it out & flat iron it.
This is why I heart Pantene Texturize! Moussing Foam Wax. Besides, how can you not love a product with an exclamation point in the middle of it's name?
No way is that your MIL's hair.
That head of wave came straight from your Bucka by way of his dad.
How can you DARE to compare yourself to MIL?!?!?! and forget Oedipal issues...that's just flat out wrong...I know FB doesn't have any Oedipus issues...
I do love the wave however...and I'm with you...if anything decides how many more children I'm willing to have, it will be the amount of additional curl I get as a result!
On my way to Sara's to comment on MY faves!
Very pretty! And quite a change from the 'Vidal Sassoon girl' days of C****. (For those of you who haven't met Farmie in person, she had sleek shiny hair that put the gal from the commercial to shame.)
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