In case you're curious, this is what it looks like when I spend about 30 minutes with my blow drier & flat iron. If you look closely you can still see the hint of a wave across the back of my head. Oh well.
Now, for the meat of my post. Warning: the images below may not be suitable for younger viewers. They are graphic and disturbing. I cannot be held responsible for an terror inflicted or sleep lost as a result of viewing said images.
OK, so maybe they're only terrifying if you're B.B. Our house is over run by Japanese Ladybeatles (or Halloween Ladybugs or Asian Ladybugs all depending on where you live). This happens a few times a year. Once in the spring, just as the weather starts to warm up a bit. Again in the fall when soybeans are harvested. They are irritating, they stink when threatened, but otherwise they are fairly innocuous.
Try telling that to B.B. It will all fall on deaf ears. He is absolutely petrified of them. About a week ago he went tearing through the living room screaming in a complete panic. I flipped out thinking something horrible had happened. Bracing myself for blood, open wounds, broken bones, or at least need for a big ice pack, I caught him & spun him around to face me. "What's wrong?!" "Ladybug! Ladybug! It was on my arm! It touched me!!" and he burst into tears. Poor baby.
A few days ago, I caught him trying to run through the living room carrying a rather amused Bitsy under her arms. "What are you doing?! Give her to me! You can't carry the baby, B.B." To which he replied, "I had to, Mommy. I'm savin' her from dem ladybugs. Dem don't hurt little boys, but dem might eat Bitsy 'cause hers is a girl." Can't argue with that logic.
I'm telling you girl...your hair looks great no matter what...I seem to remember a time when we tried to force curl upon you with several sets of hot rollers and lots and lots and lots of styling products...and now we're lamenting our waviness...will we ever be happy?
On the buggy note...I'm sorry B.B. is so afraid of ladybugs. Captain Chaos got mad at me when I shrieked at the fairly large spider in his crib (it was a harmless one but still) and proceeded to grab it with tissue, squash the guts out of it and flush its poor dead body...he spent the rest of the day looking for it...all boy that one...I expect to find bugs and worms all over this summer. Ick...
A few comments...
1) My only cake recipe is the harvest cake I posted at Thanksgiving...
2) I, too, have a funky wave thing going on. I simply stopped caring about it. ;-)
3) Poor BB! My Boy loves Ladybugs (all bugs, really, except bees). I don't know which is worse.
Happy Friday!
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