September 5, 2012


OK.  I'm on a rant and will totally forgive you if you choose to go elsewhere and read something peppier.  Consider yourself warned.

I am a mom of 4 grade school children.  I despise homework.  I have spent hours upon hours wrestling over math problems, arguing Grammar with a 9 year old, searching text books for answers to questions even I don't grasp.  That being said homework is part of our lives.  I don't like it but I deal with it.

I just read/watched a blog about opting out of homework for your child.  You can check it out if you like:  (Yup, I'm too tired to link it prettily in HTML tonight.)

Maybe it's the fact that I work in a public school (and believe it or not, the kitchen deals with may of the same issues as the class room) or maybe it's the fact that I've been fighting the homework battle for 6 years  or maybe it's the fact that I'm sleep deprived, but this really struck a nerve with me.

Saying my kid doesn't have time for homework because my husband and I both work and we have to make it to music lessons and sports practices and dance class makes me angry.  If lessons and practices and classes are interfering, perhaps your child is over involved.  Perhaps school is enough.  And as a former SAHM, my current work status has nothing to do with my kids ability to finish their homework.  They're home the same amount of time whether I'm at work or not.

Saying I don't want to be "that mom," but I really don't think homework is necessary for my child automatically make you "that mom."  Anytime you march into your child's class room & demand your child be treated differently from the other 24 kids in the room without seriously good cause (such as a learning disability), you are being "that mom," and you are announcing that your child does not need to follow the rules.

Saying my child is at school for 7 hours a day- if teachers can't get it taught in 7 hours they must not be doing their jobs only shows you have no clue what goes on in a public school on a daily basis.  Do you have any idea how much time is spent dealing with behavior issues? Bathroom breaks?  Lunch?  Recess?  PE? Music?  Library? Sharpening pencils? Repeating already given instructions? Blowing noses?  Simpy getting 25 kids to change from one task to the next?  If in a 7 hour day, 4 hours of actual teaching is accomplished, I'd say they had a pretty good day.

When reading the comments on the blog I came across one that said this really is a first world problem.  We are so entitled that we go looking for things to complain about.  I can promise you that 50 years ago no parent would ever have asked a teacher to allow their child to "opt out" of homework.

I'm sorry, but your child is not special.  My children are not special.  They are all kids.  They are all going to grow up to be adults.  They are all going to work for a living.  They are all going to have bad days, horrible bosses, and bills to pay.  It's part of life.  It's not all of life.  If they don't learn to deal with unpleasant tasks when they're children and adaptable, how are they ever going to deal with them as adults?

Rant over- for the moment.  Good night.


Kork said...

AMEN! I couldn't agree more!!!!! I hate watching Capt get frustrated that he has to practice his handwriting, or do math, or cut and paste to match vowel sounds (oh, 1st grade, how I love you!)...BUT, in reality, we already had the discussion in our family - SCHOOL IS MOST IMPORTANT.

You will NOT get a job simply because you played soccer, clarinet, sang in the choir and volunteered 400 hours before you were 8...

You still have to PASS the class.
Exemption is BULL...well, you know what it is...

thanks for letting me rant... :D

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how I stumbled upon your blog, but your realness has already made me a fan! I was so turned off by that vlog I was questioning the seriousness of it by the end. You made really great points and I wanted to give you kudos for your comments!