June 5, 2009

The day after & the day before

It's been a bit easier today. I'm still sad. I still miss Andrew, but I don't feel as raw & exhausted as I did yesterday. Yesterday all I wanted to do was sleep. BabyGirl had a really hard time going to bed last night. In the end, she & I cuddled in my bed & talked about life, death, God, heaven, and sin for 20 minutes or so. I'm pretty sure she's blaming Adam & Eve for the death of her dog. Today she informed me she wants a chihuahua for our next house dog. I told her I didn't think so.

Today, I keep listening for him to come out of his kennel. I keep waiting for him to start barking when ever Lilly May does. I've glanced under my computer desk a time or two expecting him to be lounging by my feet. There's a big empty space by the kitchen table where his kennel sat. At the store today I kept telling #1 Son we needed to get dog food for Andrew & Lilly. He kept reminding me that Andrew was gone.

Husband painted the cross he & the FarmHands made yesterday. Tomorrow I'll put Andrew's name & dates on it.

This morning, we got up, got dressed, and loaded the FarmHands up to go to the Children's Museum in Effin'bill for BabyGirl's birthday (tomorrow). We made it almost 15 miles from home when #1 Son started moaning & yelling that his stomach hurt. Thinking he was constipated, we stopped at Burger King to use the bathroom. When he came out, I realized he was very pale & covered in goose bumps. It wasn't cold at all, but he was shivering. I asked him what all hurt & he said his belly & his throat. When I told Husband, we opted to make a grocery/birthday present run & head home.

When we got home, his temp was 101.7, so I called Doc's office. They could see him in an hour.

The quick strep test came back negative, but the longer test won't be back until Monday. Right now we're just treating him with Tylenol & praying this passes before anyone else gets sick. Doc did say #1 Son's tonsils were "impressive." I have rather large tonsils, so I've never paid them much mind. Doc asked if #1 Son snores & I said yes. He wants our ENT to take a look at them when we see him in July. He said they're so large, they could cause sleep apnea. Ugh.

So tonight, he's crashed out on the floor watching Indiana Jones while I bake BabyGirl's birthday cake for tomorrow. I'll be shocked if she sleeps much tonight.


Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
sending prayers up for son and you..

Baby Girl

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you have a great Birthday!! You are such a big girl! :)


areyoukiddingme said...

That's too rough for a birthday week. I hope things improve at your house.

Gail said...

Hang in there!

Kork said...

I'm so sorry about Andrew...and praying that the kids continue to do well with it, and that no one else is sick!!!!!

A friend of ours had their 3 year old have tonsils out for the very same reason...last winter, not ONE case of anything worse than the sniffles...apparently getting good sleep and not having tonsils to collect germs made a HUGE difference. Praying for you guys over the next weeks til the visit, and for the doc to make a GOOD decision about him!

Terri said...

sorry to read about Andrew. It's a terrible thing to lose such a beloved pet. Hoping #1 son gets better soon and WITHOUT getting anyone else sick! Hang in there Farm Wife.