March 9, 2009

We will now return you to your regularly scheduled blogging.

It has hit with a vengance. The after-company-blahs. Sunday I was kept hopping & busy most of the day with church, a family dinner, a few Blu-rays from Netflix, and a giant Carmel milkshake lovingly crafted by my darling husband.

Today? Meh. First off was the evil time change that leaves me feeling as though none of us has come close to enough sleep. Then was the back-to-school Monday morning madness that infects us once a week. Toss in skin that has reverted back to high school, enough laundry to fill every machine at the Sudsy-Dudsy, two full loads of dishes in the dish washer, and an exceptional amount of saw dust on my carpet, and it was all enough to make me spend the day facebooking, watching Wall-E repeatedly with the babies, napping in the recliner, and lounging about in my jammies until...oh...say, now. I have much to do & zero gumption. I truly believe there has never been a greater lack of gumption displayed in the Northern Hemisphere in the past 30 years.

I am missing Art & Did in a bad way. I'm wishing I could have stowed away in the back seat of Did's Toyota & spent the morning & early afternoon chatting with them & Ragged Around the Edges yesterday. I'm dreaming of a time when we can all get together again. I'm trying to decide if Did's hubby could be talked into moving up here when he starts his law practice. Add a healthy dollop of worry about Inkling's health & the surgery she is going to have today & I'm a hot mess.

I am officially homesick. Yes, yes, I know I am at home. I have finally come to terms with the fact that I, FarmWife, will spend the remainder of my years in a small ranch style house in the middle of no where. But home will always be where my Mama & Daddy are & that's where I want to be today.

I'm going to keep my chin up though. QM has adamantly, vemenantly, militantly declared she will be bringing HT (my nephew, Princess's son) to Busha's for Easter along with (and I quote) "Thirty dollars worth of chocolate & enough eggs to keep them busy all afternoon." I'm pretty sure she's bringing Princess & Daddy with her, but when I talked to her last week she didn't much care who else decided to hop in her HHR & make the trek. She & HT are coming if she has to lie, steal, cheat or kill. QM hasn't been up to see us since Thanksgiving, I haven't seen my nephew since last September, & we haven't been to Tennessee in far too long.

All I can say is, I need a little Easter, right this very minute.....maybe I'll just walk around in my new shoes for a bit & see if that helps.
(Pay no attention to the twig-like ankles sprouting from the super cute, four inch heels. They cannot be helped.)


Kork said...

those are some downright sexy shoes there Farmie...good thing there won't be anymore FarmHands sprouting as a result eh? hee hee...

OKOKOKOK...that was in bad taste, I know...

Now, for gumption...ummmmmmmm...if I was there, I'd totally kick your hind end off the couch, into the shower, and make you do your laundry. That being said...


That was in the most loving voice imaginable by the way...

Gail said...

Everyone needs a poor me day now and then.
Tomorrow you will be back and hopping again.
It is difficult to be away from family. Can you imagine a hundred years ago when family moved?

Penny said...

I LOVE LOVE the shoes!!! Target?? really? I need to go shopping, tax season is getting to me, so maybe a new pair of cute shoes would do the for your day, I say enjoy it!! My kids are all grown up now and I wish I had spent more days with them instead of worrying about the house and laundry...

areyoukiddingme said...

Everyone knows that you need a vacation to recover from a vacation...

Grace said...

I know what it's like to miss best-friends. Mine live in MO, and oh... CANADA! Nothing like almost 40 hours between you to make you miserable!