December 18, 2008

A plea for mercy

Wanna' hear something fan-freaking-tastic? All four of the FarmHands have pink eye. Wait, it gets better. Bitsy & B.B. have ear infections. Nope, there's still more. BabyGirl & #1 Son have "red, pussy throats." Oh, and I forgot to mentiong the puking...Bitsy. And it terrfies her as she's never puked before. All this the day before I go have three teeth ripped from my head.

I love being me.

In good news, I've finished all the tasks I laid out for myself prior to my dental work. I need to fold some laundry and do a few dishes tonight, wrap 4 gifts, charge my Zune & I'm done. If you want to see the accidental pillow I made for Bitsy, you'll have to click on the link in my side bar & go see it on Nudge-Nudge. I'm too tired to link today.

I hope your day has been nicer than mine. Please, tell me something nice and happy and funny. I need it.

****Updated at 7:40 pm.****

BabyGirl started puking at 7 o'clock tonight. Joy. Is it too early for me to start popping pain pills? (I'm kidding, I'm kidding....mostly.)


Gail said...

Bless your heart! You have had a bucket full of it today. Hang in there!
Good luck with your removal. Can you put them under your pillow for the tooth fairy?

Brando said...

Oh no!! Yin has been vomiting all night, but that is just one kid.

Hang in there and I will pray for you.

Inkling said...

Oh dear Farmwife, let me remind you....this is why your hubby has a four wheel drive truck and why your mother is coming with her purse (dear God, please let her still carry at least one credit card).....First, you borrow your mom's credit card, then you get in your hubby's truck and drive to the nearest airport, then you use the credit card to buy a first class ticket all by yourself to Vancouver. Call me collect, and I'll come and pick you up even if I'm in labor. We'll eat lots of chocolate, find you a good dentist if you still really want that service, and then I'll watch you drink your woes away with pina coladas or whatever sounds good to you.

My only other idea is asking the pharmacist for a pumper truck full of penicillin in pepto bismal pink that can be poured on top of your house, cleansing the whole area of germies that seem to like to attack your children.

I'm trying to find something funny, but can't think of anything really good.....

well, maybe something, but it's not kosher to type for God and everybody to see.

By the way, I don't think it would be child abuse to name our son Archibald Belshazzar, now that I've come up with a second middle name. Your last name would be perfect. Don't ya think? And think of all the educational benefits to such a name, such initials, such character. Ah, it should take our breath away with it's perfection. =)

I love you. And I'm sorry you are dealing with so much skubala at once. I sure hope Queen Mother is there to rescue you very soon.

FarmWife said...

Inkling, QM isn't coming this time. It's all in Husband's hands.

Inkling said...

Oh dear Lord. We need divine intervention now don't we.

Queen Mother said...


Terri said...

oh crap sounds like the roof is caving in at the farm! I hope your surgery goes well and everyone gets better before CHristmas! happy holidays!

Unknown said...

Oh dear ! I would definitely start on the painkillers, right now, and possibly red wine too...Or take Inkling's advice and get on that plane !! The thought of first class and chocolate in Vancouver sounds excellent... maybe stow away ?? Take care. S x