December 9, 2008

A call for Secession.

Um, excuse me, Chicago, would you mind seceding from the State of Illinois? Please? You see I have a theory...

Chicago is the third largest city in the US. 3 million people call it home (including a cousin & his wife whom I dearly love). That's 66% of the population of the State of Illinois living in 10,874 square miles (technically this is Metropolitan Chicago...and my info is based on Wikipedia, so if the math is wrong, blame them).

The rest of the State is largely rural. The rest of the state is much more conservative. The rest of the state has little to no say in politics because Chicago overrules us every time.

And today our second governor in a row has been arrested. The last governor, George Ryan, is sitting in prison right now having been arrested shortly after leaving office. Our current governor, Rod Blagojevich, was arrested this morning for attempting to sell the Senate Seat left vacant by Mr.Obama.

So my thought is that Chi-Town should secede from the state & let the rest of us govern our selves with...oh...I don't know...a tad less corruption.


It just keeps getting better. Old Rod is now out on $4,500 bond. And the quotes that have been attributed to him make me ill. The link above keeps changing to keep up with MSNBC's coverage of the mess. In it, Mr. B is credited with saying, ""I've got this thing and it's [expletive] golden, and, uh, uh, I'm just not giving it up for [expletive] nothing. I'm not gonna do it," in reference to the open Senate seat.

I do have one more thing to add to my tirade. Why is the governor of Illinois living in Chicago in the first place? The state capital is Springfield. Why isn't that the seat of our State government? Yet another reason for Chicago to secede. They can continue to govern themselves there, while we govern ourselves from the State Capital.

Inkling has nominated our Uncle Greenteeth, Her younger brother (JL, the one who lives in Chicago), G'ma M&M's preacher, and me to fill either the senate seat or the governorship. I think maybe we could set up some kind of rotation. Two months on, two months off. First JL could be governor & Uncle Greenteeth could be the Senator, then two months later, the preacher & I could take their one would get burned out or be in long enough for the power to go to our heads. This could totally work. Much like an autonomous collective:

King Arthur: Then who is your lord?

Woman: We don't have a lord.

Dennis: I told you, we're an anarco-sydicalist commune. We take it in turns to be a sort of executive officer for the week...

King Arthur: Yes...

Dennis: ...but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting... King Arthur: Yes I see...

Dennis: a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs...

King Arthur: Be quiet!

Dennis: ...but by a two thirds majority in the case of...

King Arthur: Be quiet! I order you to be quiet!

Woman: Order, eh? Who does he think he is?

And I'd look great in Sarah Palin's hand-me-down suits.


Sarah @ Ordinary Days said...

Sounds good to me! Are you running for governor now?

Inkling said...

You totally need to go over and read my post at the private blog. I nominated you, Uncle Greenteeth, my middle brother, and the G-parents' minister. One of you can be governor, one can take Obama's old seat, and the other two can either keep their day jobs or be the assistants. And I'm not even asking for kickbacks.

Inkling said...

You would. You could totally pull off her hair updo thingy too, and I bet your "I'm not really a waitress" OPI would be smashing with the suit pictured here.

I like the idea of rotating it all. And thanks for bringing up the whole Chicago/Springfield thing. That has always made me wonder. Do they like to govern from Chicago so that they have easy access to Oprah and a great nightlife? After all Sprinfield offers what....a dollar theater, some nice eateries, and a proximity to our Bible college. Yeah, I'd go for Oprah too. Or maybe they just like to swim in the toxic part of Lake Michigan.

Kork said...

Here Here Sister! My MIL made the comment, upon learning that Merrill-Lynch is being bought out by Bank of America that "the mob controls the money"...

I hated to disillusion her to the fact that those things have always gone on.

It doesn't make it right, in fact it makes me want to throw up...

I say we send all the Chicagoans to the similar-view portion of California, and then blast it off at the fault line and set them adrift in the Pacific. Eventually, they'll either turn on each other, or simply fade away into nothingness, leaving them only a myth that we can tell our grandchildren about down the road.

Brando said...

I completely agree.

Lets ditch those losers. :)