August 30, 2008

My afternoon in pictures.

Can you guess what I did today?

After bagging up the 14 quarts of corn I did today, I decided I needed to empty the freezers, reorganize, and take stock. Here's the freezer run down so far this summer:
  • 12 rabbits (yes, you read that right. If I ever post a recipe for a chicken dish on wha'cha got cookin'? & I don't specify chicken breast, you can bet I make it with rabbit.)
  • 4 qts. diced tomatoes
  • 12 bags of frozen tomato sauce
  • 2 qts. green beans
  • 3 1/2 quarts peas
  • 18 qts. shredded zucchini
  • 1 qt. chopped zucchini
  • 1 gallon corn on the cob
  • 23 qts. Peaches & Cream sweet corn
  • 14 qts. Illini Supersweet corn

And canned:

  • 8 pints pear sauce
  • 6 pints apple sauce
  • 25 qts. green beans
  • 5 pints tomato sauce

If nothing else, we can live on zucchini bread, corn, green beans, and rabbit this winter.


Queen Mother said...

I am very proud of you

You are truley a Susie Homemaker and you are doing a wonderful job.

Terri said...

very impressive! think of the $$ you are saving.