My husband is the king of last minute plans. He doesn't do so well with "Hey, let's have a party in two weeks." He's more of the "Hey, lets call everyone & have a cook out in 3 hours." That's how yesterday went. Luckily I was mildly prepared.
Friday at the grocery he picked up a bag of charcoal, pork chops, steaks, and pork burgers. I asked if we were having a cook-out or just cooking out. He said, "Nah, just cooking out. Just us." Yesterday after church he changed his mind.
I'd made potato salad the day before and had enough corn in the garden to share. I threw together a fluffy fruit pie, fruit tea, kool-aid, & sweet tea, then grabbed the boys & Bitsy & headed to town. We came back armed with a new kickball, plates, cups, napkins, plastic flatware, more burgers, and all the fixin's.
Friday at the grocery he picked up a bag of charcoal, pork chops, steaks, and pork burgers. I asked if we were having a cook-out or just cooking out. He said, "Nah, just cooking out. Just us." Yesterday after church he changed his mind.
I'd made potato salad the day before and had enough corn in the garden to share. I threw together a fluffy fruit pie, fruit tea, kool-aid, & sweet tea, then grabbed the boys & Bitsy & headed to town. We came back armed with a new kickball, plates, cups, napkins, plastic flatware, more burgers, and all the fixin's.
Husband & BabyGirl got out all my patio furniture (it's not been out all summer), washed everything down, heated up the grill, started a camp fire, and mowed the field.
Big BIL and his three kids, Little BIL, Busha, Bucka, and Uncle Gick & Unkie Di all came to eat. We had a good time. Good food. Lots of laughter. Kids playing. A wonderful way to end the summer.
Saturday Busha and Bucka had a scare with Penny Saturday. Tiny dogs have a habit of becoming hypoglycemic. Penny's sugar dropped & she got very ill. At 3/4 of a pound, she can get very ill, very quickly. After loosing Mitzi just a few months ago, Busha is very wary about her new babies. She gave Penny the honey the vet told her to give and kept a very close eye on the pup. Eventually Penny came around & was her "old" self again. The incident wore Busha out. Well, between that incident & trying to house break two puppies so tiny they can get lost in an empty room, she was exhausted.
The picture is Bucka holding Pete & Penny the day they went to pick them out. They're a bit bigger now, but not much.
How fun! We spent the weekend installing BB's latest purchase (see my post later today for the whole story), and then had the folks over for a very simple BBQ last night...and today it is barely supposed to be 70...guess fall is in the air after all!
Sometimes the best parties are the impromptu ones.
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