If you spend time visiting with my cousin Inkling, as of next week, her blog will be set to private. If you'd like to be included on her list of viewers, drop me a line & I'll see what I can do.

BabyGirl is off to see Horton Hears a Who today with the accelerated reading group at school. I'm a tad jealous. I want to see it too. Once upon a time Stoffer (my high school sweetheart for those of you who don't remember) called me just before bed time & read that book to me. It was probably the last time someone read me a bed time story. I think I was 17. He was good at romantic gestures like that. Plus it fed into my love for all things pachyderm. So, in celebration of BabyGirl's trip, I shall fill this post with the cutest elephants on the interweb.

Did you know you can make a three year old bent to your will by hiding his purple superhero cape? But you must be prepared for, "Tan I has da puh-pull tape? Tan I has de puh-pull tay-ape? Tanihasdapuhpulltape? TAN I HAS DA PUH-PULL TAPE, NOW?!?!"
And the rain has returned. Still waiting for Ragged to show up in her Ark & carry us all to safety. Uncle Gick said we got 9 inches during the last storm...we may have gotten that much in the past 20 minutes this time....at least that's how it seems.
As I am not close enough to come and row you to the safety of higher ground, I am counseling you to lay in a good stock of Red Bull...I think the wings it gives you may come in handy to get to places that aren't under water! :D
Thank you for the notice on this post. You, my dear cousin, are a gift. I love you to the moon and back too.
I took my boys on Monday, the last day of their spring break, to see Horton. It was fantastic! You gotta go see it.
I didn't get that email about inkling's blog. I guess I'll email her. I'm jealous too!! I wanna see it!!!!!!! Maybe I just want some time away.... like me time that doesn't involve work!
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