January 21, 2008

How to be the CEO of bed time...

B.B.'s favorite song is Our God is an Awesome God.  He sings it often, loudly, off key, and accompanied by a tiny plastic guitar.  This morning Bitsy was sitting in the floor squealing happily.  I looked at her and said, "What is that pretty song you're singing, Sweet Girl?"  B.B. said, "Hers is singing da Awesome God song.  Her really likes dat song!"
It's been a rough day.  But when I got home tonight there was a big box of books on my steps.  Yahoo!!  I got a $25 gift card from Barnes & Noble from a rewards credit card we have.  The point had been there for a while & I nearly forgot them...when I found out I could get a B&N card I was elated.  I love books, but never buy them.  Too many other things to spend money on with this family.  When I got the card I was faced with another decision.  Do I keep the card for our next trip to Effin'bill, or do I hit up B&N.com?  I tend to get overwhelmed when faced with a limited budget & piles & piles of books in front of me.  I decided to check out the web site instead & ended up with 7 new books!  Vanity Fair, Peter Pan, The Count of Monte Cristo (one of my favs...I have it, but the copy is from freshman HS lit & is nearly shot), The Bondswoman's Narrative, Paper Moon, Duchess of Aqutaine: A Novel of Eleanor, and Little Women.  With free shipping on orders over $25 & my gift card, I think I paid about $2.80 for all 7 books.  I'm so excited.  And I still have Villette, Lady Susan, and Jane Austen's unfinished works to read.  I just have to get back in the swing of reading again.  Shouldn't be too hard now.
I've made an executive decision to move BabyGirl's bed time to 8 o'clock or later.  The boys go to bed at 7:30, but I've been spending an hour or longer fighting to keep her in bed after that time.  Tonight I let her stay up until 8:45 & there was no fighting at all!  It cuts into my "me time," but I wasn't getting it anyway & now I'm getting some alone time with BabyGirl & some much needed peace between us.  The biggest plus is that most nights she wants me to cuddle with her after she gets in bed.  It's wonderful to spend 15 minutes or so laying in the dark, listening to her bed time CD, her head on my shoulder.  It makes me remember her babyhood...when it was just the two of us most days.


Anonymous said...

that's a lot of books. hope the new bedtime "times" work out for you.

Queen Mother said...

Lord let them both soak in the sweetness of their cuddle time. Imprint it in their soul and minds to keep them ever close.

Kathryn Thompson said...

Oh how I love books. I just had a festival of books last night, reogranizing my book shelves and pulling out all the books I still haven't read. There are about one billion of them. I seriously need to get reading before I buy ANY MORE. I see them on sale cheap at the used book store or at a garage sale and I can. not. help myself.

Nan said...

Ooh, you did some good shopping! I've never read The Count of Monte Cristo! It must really be good for you to remember it so fondly that you'd want to reread. I have books I do that with, too, but usually not the classics.