November 30, 2007

The Daring Young Daughter, B.B., Bitsy, and Bath time

If you have yet to decorate your Christmas tree, please, do not attempt to do anything with it until you have read Miss Laylee's Christmas Tree Rulz. You may make a foolish mistake and have to redecorate the entire thing. Really, this is for your own good, ya'll.

That being done, this morning I was in the bathroom. Stupid, I know. I really have no right to go to the bathroom alone for any reason at all. As I was idling my time away on frivolous personal hygiene, I heard a small thump followed by a rather lusty cry from my 5 month old daughter. I ran into the living room to find B.B. nervously bent over his sister as she wailed on the carpet. I was confused as I had left him engrossed in Go, Diego, Go and her talking to her stuffed elephant on her quilt on the floor.

"B.B., did you drop the baby?"
"Did you pick her up and she fell?" (Yeah, you only thought they were the same thing. There is a HUGE difference between dropping a sibling and having one fall as you were picking her up.)
"Did you roll her?" (She can roll herself, thank you very much. No interference needed...especially from pushy older brothers).
"Why is she crying?"
"I dunno'."
I sat down to comfort her & eventually caught him as he shot past my chair.
"B.B. What happend that made Bitsy cry?"
"Her gotted hurt."
"How did she get hurt?"
"Her fall-ded off dat couch."
"How did she get on that couch?"
"I picked she up and putt-ed she dere."
"Her needed a be on da edge of dat couch, but den her just roll-ded off it and fall-ded on da floor."

Thus ensued a long conversation about who is and is not allowed to pick the baby up and where she can be put once she's been picked up. I forgot to mention she had also been stripped out of her sleeper and was only wearing a diaper. That's the third or fourth time in 24 hours B.B. has undressed her. The boy is fast. He can have her naked in under 45 seconds. When I ask what he's doing, he always replies, "Her has'a have a bath. Her stinks, Mom. Eww, her smells NASTY! I tan give her a bath." Thank the Lord he can't get her to the tub...yet. I may have to invest in dead bolts for the bathroom doors.

To borrow a phrase from my cousin, Oy!


Grace said...

You need motion detectors on Bitsy to protect from that big brother of hers!!

emily said...

Oy is right.

Anonymous said...

somebody get those light sensors and motion detectors, and sirens and beepers and oh my on those kids.


Nan said...

I know you don't see it now, but somewhere on that head of yours one hair has been turned white by today's "incident." (At least that's what I blame all mine on.)

Jeni says said...

well i'm sorry but how can you argue with that kind of logic, i mean dang mom the kid stinks he was just trying to help, they are so helpful! lol

Kork said...

OK, I know that this could be the start of poor little Bitsy's road to ruin for brain power, but that is just TOO funny...I can just picture Captain Chaos saying the same thing in a few short months...hee hee..

I'm glad that no one was seriously hurt, and as the youngest with 3 big brothers of my own, I think I turned out mostly ok...mostly...maybe...