September 24, 2007

Tell Me More, Tell Me More...

Today my much more than ordinary friend Sarah asked what we're doing to move forward in the Hot Mama Revolution. Any goals set? Any challenges to ourselves? Any major set backs?

In all honesty, there are (many, many) days when my Hot Mamaness takes a back burner to life in general. It's not easy spending time on myself when there's a house to keep from caving in, 4 children to wrangle, a Husband to occasionally connect with, and a mind to keep somewhat centered. It's easy to forget to be a girl, much less a pretty girl. But then, that's what the Hot Mama Revolution is all about. Reclaiming ourselves as women. Finding our femininity. Looking like we've slept more than 6 hours in the past 3 days.

You may have noticed that my biggest dilemma is what to do with my hair. I've been seriously working on keeping it out of the pony tail (except in the house), saving the ever present pony-o for nursing sessions. I've purchased new shampoo & conditioner, and been experimenting with Panteen's Texturizing foam (can I just say, long hair with wax in it can be a little unnerving). Husband suggested I cut about 4 inches off, but that wouldn't change much in my mind. As far as I'm concerned it either must be long or short (long being mid-back, past the bra, or longer and short must be closer to the chin than the shoulders). If I cut 4 inches, it's just in between & that makes me a little nuts.

In the past few days I've been toying with the idea of a good trim. Clean it up a bit. An inch or so, nothing major. I think I'm going to call Ashely and see if she can work me in this week. Hopefully that will stop this incessant indecision. And I can move on to blogging about something more interesting than my hair!

Oh, and then there's my new jeans. When the time came to buy new pants, I figured I might as well go for something trendy and cute as opposed to mom jeans with front butt. I opted for Old Navy Skinny Jeans and have worn them almost constantly for the last 3 weeks. I've fallen in love with the tank that came with them, so the two have become my new uniform...and much more flattering than my former uniform of maternity pants & oversized t-shirts. The first time I put it all on, did my make-up, and let my hair down BabyGirl gasped, "Wow, Mom! You look Hot!" As thrilled as I was to get a compliment from my 6 year old, I'm not sure I like her using the word "hot" to describe anyone!

I still have a long way to go, but I think I'm getting there. Now if only I could get in shape might make chasing these little people easier.


Kork said...

Easy does it there Tiger - Remember that ANY goal is worthwhile when it comes to yourself. Start with one thing this week that you don't normally do (hair, makeup, clothes, whatever it be), and work your way from there...kind of like when you have tons of stuff to thing at a time so you don't get overwhelmed and quit.
I have lots of belief in you that you are STILL the Hot Chick you were when we met, and all you need is a little "spit shinin", and you just fell out of the habit of it.

PS check out Fitness magazine website for kick butt workouts that are FREE!!!

FarmWife said...

Note: As much as I adore our slightly off kilter friend, Slap Shot Skaught, I'm also trying to run a family friendly show here. I took the liberty to edit his me a fascist if you like, but I'm just trying to keep it G rated around here. So here's the edited version of the above comment.

If I cut 4 inches, it's just in between & that makes me a little nuts. <---- and you say i'm mint tall? lol.

i admire your pursuit to maintain yourself.

...we live in such a lazy society full of calories and gluttony, i can feel America swell and hear her breathe heavy as i type this.

that is why i admire your pursuit of fishnets and all things hot in this on going war of fried fast food, no sit ups, no pilates, no exercise society

California might be number 1 in homicide but we also have 2 of the most conscious healthiest cities in the country, so we look good when we kill you and when we die...

can you dig it hot mama!

Inkling said...

Experiment with braids. I've grown tired of wearing just one French braid down the middle of my back, and don't like to go around town looking like I'm 12 with two French braids. But I've found something inbetween that is kind of fun, and I have managed to get it done from start to finish in UNDER 5 minutes. I am not kidding. I braid my hair down to the nape of the neck as if I'm doing two French braids - one on either side of my head. Then, at the nape of the neck, I put those braids together, so they end as one long braid down my back. Granted, I am not sure it could be called HOT, but it is pretty. Maybe I'll start experimenting with putting funky ribbons and such in it next time.

As for jeans, I MUST get some sexy jeans. I don't even have children, but I look like a mom who has had at least a dozen. The only problems are: 1. my figure that is as highwaisted as New Orleans is low, and 2. most women's jeans are made with that crappy stretchy stuff, so they fit me when I put them on, but then they are falling off my butt by noon - that drives me crazy. I won't even discuss my hips. Let's just say that I will never have Barbie measurements, unless you could add them all together and just take an average. And I no longer know how to use a curling iron or make-up aside from blush and mascara, and my nail polish is simply congealing in a drawer. I have lost my touch. When I visit you, you will probably call Clint and what's-her-name for an emergency consultation. But hey, at least I like my bosoms finally. =)

FarmWife said...

Inkling, you so have to blog about that...we should just have an ode to JG day on our blogs and pay tribute to our youngest cousin. I'm sure Aunt Silver Belle would get a kick out of it!

Queen Mother said...


go for lots of layers that will still fit into the pony-o

perm the ends and get lots of curl.

or have it cut like you had it in the 2nd grade. Dorothy Hammil style. You were soooooo cute.
You and you Foster Grants.

Queen Mother said...

do that ponytail flip thing I use to do with your hair. thats back in style.
I don't think the side ponytail is back in style yet but you could start it up again.
Or the sq.perm that was a good one too. Use the kids popcicle sticks for a tighter square.