April 27, 2007

If it Makes You Happy...

Today I feel like taking a page from DYM and posting about things that make me happy (in an attempt to bring a brighter feel to my blog that has been a tad dismal lately). Thank you, Daring One for the inspiration.

Things that make me happy:

Old men at Wal-Mart that randomly give my boys stuffed animals. I guess he was passing time waiting for his wife to come out of the store by playing that crane game. As we walked out with our cart loaded to the breaking point, he said, "Here you go, boys!" and handed #1 Son a bright red teddy bear and B.B. a slightly freaky looking monkey. The boys were thrilled. So, thank you to the man who made their day.

Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch Ice Cream...but I'm obsessed.

The fire Husband built in the fireplace when we came home from town and there was a chill in the house. It saves us having to turn on the heat for the 24 hours it's supposed to be chilly.

My new computer & having Internet access. It can get a little isolating around here without it.

That we live in the country and I don't have to worry about having strange neighbors...well, I have strange neighbors, but they're all related to me, so it's not like they're random strange people. The kids can play outside safely & I don't have to worry about them if I step inside long enough to 'powder my nose.'

That B.B.'s vocabulary is ever expanding even though it means he can now say 'Lemonade' as opposed to 'lem-a-lade' (which I loved). But he's started calling green Kool-Aid 'Green tea'`.

Finding out that I am not only paired with one of only 3 mothers I really know (Best Friend's mother) for the field trip next week but that her mother (Best Friend's Nana) is coming with us as well & that the teacher may have taken pity on us due to my delicate condition as we have BabyGirl & Best Friend in our group along with 3 of the best behaved boys in the class.

BabyGirl had a very good day today. So far we've had no major melt-downs and she dressed willingly for school this morning.

Randomly hearing songs that remind me of Art & Did on the radio. "Do you have a date to the prom? I'd like to go along..."

Unlimited long distance on my phone. Although I may drive my mother nuts...

The clearance rack in the Baby/toddler dept. at Wal-Mart. The boys are going to look so cute in their matching shirts on Sunday morning! (Sorry, Pilot & Rudy...I can't help myself.)

My kids are just as excited about getting pennies as they are about getting $5. Three cents can keep them happy all the way home from Wal-Mart...unless someone drops theirs).

Art's fabulousness.

B.B. has decided it's his job to let Lilly May out to do her business. It saves me from hefting myself up off the couch, but he does tend to let her out a little too often...and she doesn't always come back when he yells, "Kennel up, Lilly May! Now! Lilly May!!! Come 'ere!! I said Kennel up!"

So, What makes you happy? Please sound off!


Sarah said...

A full night's sleep makes me deliriously happy... but... I'm just going by memory, there, because it's been so long since that's happened.

Coke Zero and salty pretzels. (Love the salty and sweet - you wouldn't guess that I'm relatively healthy... I love my salty snacks!)

Of COURSE my KIDS make me happy.... but one of them woke up FOUR times last night, which is why kids are mentioned THIRD not FIRST.

; ) I love thinking positively - but I'm pretty sure I'm too tired to do this properly.

Art the Omnipotent said...

You, baby, it's all you.

Queen Mother said...

I LOVE Unlimited long distance and Blogdom

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Ice cream obsession is perfectly natural. . . right?

zann said...

walks with DH
sasha's crazy dog run
sunny days
dairy queen oreo blizzard
something fun in the mail

Kathryn Thompson said...

What a fun post. The increased vocabulary is a bitter sweet thing. I enjoy the increased communication but also sure miss the sweet mispronunciations.

The unlimited long distance is a new thing for me too and totally needs to be added to my list of favorites.

Unknown said...

Mmmmm. Nowthen.
Diving in a pool and swimming underwater the whole length.
Having my boys fall asleep on me.
Clipping skis on at the top of a run.
Watching the birds on my lawn of an evening.
Hearing my Man's key in the door.
Mmmmm. S