If this works, it will be a picture of a VERY fuzzy Miss Lilly May. She's in desperate need of a hair cut & a nail trim...guess that will be my mission for today. Not fun, but necessary. I brushed her out yesterday (I've been negligent in that matter since I've been ill) and I think I got enough loose hair out of her coat to make Ang another Missy Moo. Wire fox terriers are a "non-shedding" breed. Well, for a dog that doesn't shed, she sure drops a lot of hair! It really has to do with the way their follicles release the under coat...it's a technical thing, but she needs brushing frequently to keep the mats and hair balls down...now she needs a trim & bath too.
I haven't heard anything about Jr. & Jill today. I do know that the hospital in TN wanted her to stay there on bed rest for 3 weeks. She had not dilated & the contractions were slowing so she and JR made the decision to head home. I cannot say I blame her. I'd hate to be stuck in a little country hospital hours from home & my OB for 3 weeks...not to mention a NICU. Not to mention not wanting to be that far from their little boy.
I am beginning to feel more human everyday. One thing I've noticed is that my sinus headaches are starting about an hour to an hour and a half after I get up in the morning. I take some Tylenol, and with in an hour, they're usually gone. Hopefully they'll cease for good soon. I'm just thankful that I'm sleeping better now...that is if #1 Son doesn't wake me up to rearrange the books on his head board at 5 am. Ugh! Then he came back to tell me there was a "pointy" on his fingernail & while he was trying to get it off his finger accidentally slipped into his nose. Can I just say that at 5 am, I. Do. Not. Care.
Well, I am off to finish my laundry, do the dishes, and start on the dog...which will then require a through scrubbing of the bathroom...and if I do one bathroom, I might as well clean the second...besides the tub in there is kind of slimy due to the fabulous bath fizzy I used last night in an attempt to rid myself of the "spider webs."
Oh, and do you remember the first OB we went to see with this pregnancy...the one who seemed a little patronizing and not too interested in what I had to say? When we left his office (in November) he said his nurse would call us to set up our next appointment. Well, they finally called...today. "Is this FarmWife?" Yes. "This is New Doc's office. We haven't seen you since November." Uh, no, and you won't. Thanks for the concern....OK, so I didn't say that, but I thought it!
Glad to know you are feeling better. . . keep us posted.
Sounds like things are getting back to normal for you. I'm glad it's getting closer to Thursday!!!!
What happened? Did someone put batteries back in the Dr.'s Office radar? Nice follow through..NOT!!!
I'm glad you are feeling human again.
I have to make arrangements for missy moo to get her first haircut. Then watch, buy clippers for the next time to do it myself.
Hugs to you today. Get some more rest.
What a beautiful dog ! I am not really a dog lover, but she is soooo glossy! You must have worked hard to make her look like a film star ! Glad you've got a bit of energy back. S
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