Lilly May got her hair cut and bath yesterday. She looks like she dropped 5 pounds in 30 minutes. I guess it's a good thing she's got a fabulous pink & purple sweater to keep her warm when she goes out. Especially since the high this weekend is in the teens...& we're supposed to get snow tomorrow.
That in it's self figures. The news keeps saying "The farther south you go, the more likely you are to see accumulation." First of all, we are in the southernmost county our news station covers & secondly, Husband and I have to drive 1 1/2 hours to our south for my ultrasound in the morning (when the snow is expected). Yuck. At lest I don't have to drive. Right now my window thermometer reads 24.1, but I think it reads high since it hangs on the kitchen window. BabyGirl gets out of school early today, and I'm really glad that Husband will be home to pick her up...I do not want to go out in this. I am such a sissy. I really need to do like Temera & get farm girl tough.
Oh, in GIGANTIC news, we have poop in the potty!!!! B.B. pooped in his new Winnie-the-Poo Potty chair this morning. I was fixing breakfast when he came into the kitchen "Donald Duckin' It" (shirt with no pants). When I asked him where his diaper was he said, "Pooped, Mommy." I ran into the living room expecting to find it in the floor, but I didn't see it anywhere. I asked him where it was & he pointed to the potty sitting in the corner. We've had the potty in the living room for more than a month. He's not shown much interest in it. I'm not pushing, but it would "sooooo totally rock" (to steal a phrase from Grace's Bee) if he was potty trained when the New Baby arrives. I can't imagine having a new baby without a toddler still in diapers. I've never done that before. Of course, I've never had a baby turn 2 without having another in arms before this.
I had a nice long chat with Inkling last night. We haven't really talked in quite a while, what with sickness, and schedules and all. It was so nice...Now I want her to come antiquing with me. *SIGH*
BabyGirl brought home her Kindergarten News Monday. It has all the info on "this week at school" in it, including her Popcorn Words (sight words they're working on). One of this week's words is "we." She sounded it out & then exclaimed, "Hey, Mommy! That's French! It means 'yes.' I can speak French!!"
1 comment:
Gee and all this time I thought wee wee meant potty. Dadgumit! I learn something new everyday. Ok that this was this mornings attempt at my lame humor.
So glad you were able to talk with Inkling. How good it must have been for the both of you.
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