I have developed small red lines across my abdomen. For lack of a better term, my skin is breaking down from loss of moisture & pregnancy stretching. This happens every winter to some extent and gets worse when I'm pregnant...much worse. It's very itchy, and dry, and uncomfortable, and unattractive. It looks like miniture stretch marks...
B.B. was standing by the couch while I checking out my new ichy developements. He leaned over my belly and said, "Spider webs?" It took me a few tries to figure out just what he said and what he meant by it. The red streaks do slightly resemble spider webs. Then he started talking directly to my belly. "Hey, Spider webs, what you doing on Mommy's belly? Go 'way. You no be there, Spider webs."
Now he's saying, "You belly's gettin' bigger, bigger, bigger. Hey! Belly, you gettin' bigger!" He seems to think the spider webs are making it bigger.
Saturday night we were talking about the new baby and I asked B.B. what we were going to do with it when it gets here. I expected him to say something about holding baby or rocking baby since that's what he says about Baby H.T. Nope, he said, "Shoot new baby!" What?! "Yeah, shoot new baby with orange gun." That's his water gun. I'm not sure about this idea. I'd much rather cuddle and rock the baby than shoot it with a water gun...but that's just me. What do I know about it?
He also seems to think Baby is going to come out of my belly button. He keeps snatching at it in an attempt to get Baby out. I have to keep his nails VERY short or this can get quite painful.
oh how sweet..Well tell them to kiss mommy's spiderwebs..maybe they'll grow spidy powers. (ok my bad you don't need them running around trying to sling spidy webs and crawl up the walls.) Hope you are feeling better.
I'd forgotten about IBS.... itchy belly syndrome...
I don't think I've ever seen a pregnant woman who wasn't scrathin' her belly.
When I was pregnant with Bee, D.K. came up to me when I was about 35 weeks or so, just before she was born, and said "Mommy, if you don't push her out now, you're gonna essplode". It was one of those things that I'll always remember.
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