July 26, 2014


Today has been a struggle.

My emotions have been like an open wound- exposed with nothing to protect them.

BabyGirl is sick. School starts in 2 weeks. Today I took the three youngest FarmHands shoe, school, and grocery shopping by myself. There are storms rolling in and Bitsy has a recently developed phobia meaning we're in for a night of tears and a clingy 7 year old.

On the way home from town this afternoon a country song came on the radio.

I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me 
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am.

I've heard it many times before, but today it struck me hard. It's not a terribly emotional song, but today it left me raw and near tears.

This mess with Husband's family has me feeling on edge and isolated.

Changing churches after 18 years has me feeling unsettled.

School starting soon has me feeling anxious.

The kids I went to grade school with are celebrating their 20th class reunion this weekend and that has left me feeling nostalgic.

Art is having a tough month and that has me feeling homesick.

This afternoon I realized in just under 1 month we will come up on the first anniversary of Grandpa M&M's death.

1 comment:

Kork said...

The seasons of our life are not always the ones we love most...things suck, and it is always worse when they suck because of other people's actions...

I love you, and know you're going to be ok! As hard as it is right this moment...God has you in the palm of His hand and is holding you safely.

You can do this!