July 29, 2009

Sing out loud, sing out strong

Every Sunday morning. between Sunday School & Worship Service, Husband's Aunt CB brings all the kids in the congregation (all but B.B. who flat refuses to join in) to the front of the sanctuary for Children's Minute. She gives a short object lesson & then they all get up & sing a song.

Two weeks ago she sang I'm In Right. For those of you not raised in Christian Church/Church of Christ Sunday School, it goes:
I'm in right, out right, up right, down right happy all the time.
I'm in right, out right, up right, down right happy all the time.
Since Jesus Christ came in & cleansed my heart from sin,
I'm in right, out right, up right, down right happy all the time.

My kids stood there looking shocked & slightly embarrassed (at the sight of Larry in a towel...OK, never mind) as they didn't know the song at all. I had forgotten that song entirely. Hadn't thought of it in years. I love that song. I've been singing it ever since.

It made me wonder what other songs from my childhood I was forgetting & had never sung to my children. My favorite Sunday School Song was always Do, Lord.

Do, Lord, oh do, Lord, oh do remember me.
Do, Lord, oh do, Lord, oh do remember me.
Do, Lord, oh do, Lord, oh do remember me,
way beyond the blue.

I've got a home in glory land that outshines the sun!
I've got a home in glory land that outshines the sun!
I've got a home in glory land that outshines the sun,
way beyond the blue!

I took Jesus as my Savior, you take him, too.
I took Jesus as my Savior, you take him, too.
I took Jesus as my Savior, won't you take him, too
way beyond the blue?

Tonight the FarmHands heard me sing quite a few of the songs I learned when I was their age. I Am a C, Roll Away, Jesus Loves the Little Children...they know every word of Amazing Grace, Count Your Blessings, & It Is Well With My Soul, but not Give Me Oil In My Lamp or Father Abraham (but then maybe them not knowing Father Abraham is a good thing).

What were your favorites when you were small? What do you sing to your kids now? What songs have you nearly forgotten from your child hood? Leave me a comment or write your own post & let me know!

I really need to teach them Pharao, Pharao. That is a must!


Inkling said...

Grasshopper likes Deep and Wide, Jesus Loves all the (insert his name here), and a song I made up that was inspired by Nicole C. Mullen's song for her little boy and girl. He starts to cry when I sing Zacheus, but I don't have a clue as to why. He also likes Angels Watchin' Over Me, except when he knows it's the song I'm singing to get him to sleep in his cradle. It's nice that he's at the stage where he hasn't yet figured out I can't sing, and he doesn't know that I butcher half the words or just make up my own. In a few years, I'm sure he will ask me to retire. Until then, I'll sing.....

"You are my sunshine, my precious sunshine. You make me smile when skies are grey. I hope you know, son, how much I love you. You are a gift from the Lord." (The real words to that song just put so much pressure on a person, so I changed them. That's the beauty of being the mama. You can pretty much make it up as you go.)

Kork said...

Oh...we sing ALL the time...Capt knows the words to so many songs it would be easier to list the ones we haven't learned yet! Which would be ummmmm...mostly the "standard" hymns with obscure 4th verses...Current favorites at our house include: Jesus Loves the Little Ones Like Me, Me, Me; Father Abraham; I'm In the Lord's Army...pretty much anything that has motions we can do...of course, then he turns around and makes everything into a song. It is sort of like living inside Lyle the Friendly Viking around here, complete with random bursts of "I need to go to the bath-rooommmm!!!"