May 26, 2009

The Start of something hot

Summer is here. Well, not technically, but the heat has rolled in & the humidity with it...and three stinking inches of rain! The FarmHands were house bound all day yesterday because of the rain. Not fun, really.

They've spent most of their time since Wednesday (the last day of school) out side tromping around our 10 acres. It's wonderful to be able to turn the three older kids loose & not have to worry about watching them constantly. They pop in the house for their water bottles, granola bars, or Popsicles and the occasional band aid, but for the most part, they keep busy & out from under foot.

Yesterday was not as much fun. It was hot. They were cranky. Everyone was sticky. Husband was out side all day long (in the pouring rain). Today it's so muddy I doubt they'll be back out. And if I have to watch The Incredible Hulk one more time, I may scream!

But, the Prozac is still working. If it hadn't been, yesterday would have gotten ugly. Instead it was just boring.


Anonymous said...

hope the days ahead get better in weather that the can run, be free and burn off that energy!

Kork said...

sorry about the humidity...we've had the same...and it stinks! Capt is so ready to be out and on his bike, and when it is 50 and pouring buckets, that just doesn't happen!

Hoping for drier warmer weather, and continued results from the meds!!!

Gail said...

The trials and treats of motherdom!