April 16, 2009

So, FarmWife, what have you been up to today?

Um yeah. Stuff. Too much stuff.

Bucka has been in the hospital since Tuesday. I've been stopping by to take care of the Hounds of the Baskervilles (aka: Busha's toy/teacup poodles, Pete & Pepper) the past few days. It's an adventure. Today Bitsy decided to let them out to play & escape herself while I was washing dishes. That was not fun. Once granted an out, Pepper likes to bolt & where Pepper goes, Pete is sure to follow. Bitsy got a swat on the bottom for leaving the house without Mama & the pups got chased down, snagged, carried in, and washed up...I am no fun at all. Just ask them. They'll tell you.

Then the little ones & I ran in to pick up BabyGirl & #1 Son from school. BabyGirl had to have her stitches taken out at the doctor's at 4 o'clock. Husband goes to work at 2:20 & my other sitter (RL, Uncle E's oldest daughter) had to work, so I took everyone with me.

Today I realized Wednesday is our field trip to the zoo & my sneakers are pathetic (note to self: do not buy Danskins shoes at Wal-Mart & expect good things from them), so it was off to the shoe store with all 4 FarmHands in tow. Yeah, that was fun. Fun like a stomach pump. I hate sneaker shopping to begin with. Anything but sneakers. I know diddly squat about them & they're so frickin' expensive (remember, I just paid $5.95 for a super cute pair of heels last month). And throw 4 bored, small children in the mix & it becomes an exercise in torture. But, I came home with a pair of Nike's that I think I may love. They came with "anatomical arch supports" that I have no clue how to use...but I'll figure it out.

Wal-Mart has 5,000 copies of Twilight, New Moon, and Breaking Dawn, but zero copies of Eclipse. Eclipse is the book I need to read next in the "saga." I'm a bit frustrated. I'm almost finished with my second reading of New Moon since getting it Sunday night. (Blogger needs an underline function on the post page because that much html is irritating.)

While at Wal-Mart I managed to do the grocery shopping (I think...it's hard to tell when most of my time was spent saying, "B.B., please don't touch that. #1 Son, come on, we're done in this aisle. BabyGirl, stop bossing the boys. Bitsy, I cannot hold you, stay in the cart. No, we're not buying toys. OK, yes, we are buying a toy, but it's not for any of you. No, you cannot buy a $48 race track for _________'s birthday party. Because he's a boy in your class, a friend, not a blood relative. Put the candy back on the shelf. Do not put your face on the freezer door! Why would you do that? What? You have to go again? You just went! OK, who else has to go? This is your final chance. I'm not coming back to this bathroom again. No, we're not getting The Incredible Hulk on Blu-ray. Because I have too many other things on my list today. Where is that stinking list? Crap. Oh, a bra for $3! I need a new bra.").

Now I'm tired & oddly sad. I don't know why, but I am. I know why I'm tired...didn't you read that last paragraph? I just don't know why I'm sad. Maybe it all goes back to that two days in a hotel dream I've been harboring. Maybe I need a good cry? Maybe I'll go crawl in the bath & do just that. Or maybe I'll just put on my PJ's and tuck in to see if Eward & Bella are going to live happily ever after.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey sweetie,
hope you get some rest..Maybe Edward will change his mind for Bella and come to your rescue..