March 7, 2009

Day One: Good!

Art & Did got here yesterday shortly after 2 in the afternoon. B.B. & Bitsy were anxiously watching out the window for, "Those people to get to our house." They came bearing gifts of cookies for the FarmHands, clothes for #1 Son from QM, many, many books for me, rubber boots for BabyGirl, & a Transformers shirt for B.B. Everyone was over the moon...except for #1 Son who had a brief melt down because he did not get a Transformers shirt (it was a hand-me-down from Art's boys). But once he saw his new pants & stack of shirts from Grammy, he was a bit less sad.

We picked #1 Son & BabyGirl up from school & took the FarmHands to the playground to run off some pent up energy & enjoy the 68 degree weather. After about an hour, we brought everyone home to play outside & show Miss Did & Miss Art all the farm critters.

After that, the ladies loaded up & headed to Busha & Bucka's so they could unpack. Busha has 2 spare rooms at her house. I have none. Then Art & Did headed into town to hit the local coffee shop. Art loves the place, we go every time she comes to visit. Did had fallen in love with it as well which says good things about O.C. because Did is a major coffee snob having worked in many, many coffee houses in her day.

While they were gone, I got the kids bathed & settled in with a Rocky & Bullwinkle DVD. They spent the next half an hour asking, "When are they coming back? Are you sure they're coming back, mom? Are Miss Did & Miss Art almost back? Why have they been gone so long? Did they go back to Tennessee?"

When they got back to the house (I think they may have been gone for an hour....maybe), we all ate dinner & the kids watched The Great Muppet Caper while we dug through a bag of pictures I have from high school & shortly after.

When they first got here, every time one of them would look at Bitsy, she'd burst into tears. She was not at all happy about them being at her house. By 7 o'clock last night, she had changed her tune. She was napping when they came in from getting us coffee & she was not happy that I woke her up (I don't like late in the day naps). I was trying to make dinner & she "needed" to be held. Eventually she decided Miss Did was qualified to pack her around the house & read books with her.

By eight, she started dancing. Her dancing is hysterical, so naturally, I had to cue up some good dancing music on the computer & we all had a blast! Bitsy was getting down big time. BabyGirl was trying to decided if it was really cool to dance in the living room with your mom's friends or not. B.B. was running around screaming & trying to avoid Miss Art who kept scooping him up to dance with her. #1 Son went & hid in his room for a while. Eventually he came out to tell me he was ready for bedtime stories. He kept eyeing us suspiciously like he wasn't sure dancing was really allowed in his house.

After the FarmHands were tucked in, Did took up her knitting, Art lounged on the couch (she'd been up too late the night before), and I flat ironed my hair while we all talked & laughed until our sides hurt.

It was a good day.

1 comment:

Gail said...

What a wonderful visit! Just what the doctor ordered.