January 7, 2009

Second Grade Homework Drives Mother to Drink. Story at Eleven.

Never in my life have I wanted to abuse some substance other than caffeine or chocolate as badly as I do now.

BabyGirl brought home 4 pages of homework & a 5th page she was writing a summary of a story on. We started working as soon as backpacks were emptied & hung up, about 4:15 this afternoon. She just now finished (note the time stamp at the bottom).

Every letter, every number, every period & comma were drug out of her little body by sheer force of my will. Staying calm was not easy nor was it always possible. Everything I said was debated. Every suggestion I made was dismissed. Every new problem brought fresh angst. She had the weight of the world (& a giant chip) on her seven year old shoulders.

Half way through our marathon of disagreements I thanked the Lord that I did not choose to home school this child.

Now, if I can only get them all fed, bathed, and in bed without suffering a nervous breakdown, it will be an act of that same Lord.

Calgon Kahlua, take me away.


Brando said...

I feel your pain. I would love to tell you that the 4th grade is better, but ... well I will let you dream.

Hang in there! Summer is coming before we know it.

Gail said...

Try Calgon and Kahlua!
Want to talk about fifth grade?
We had homework every night from first through fourth. Now suddenly the foot ball player is aiming for no homework! Thank God!
It will get better...maybe!

Kork said...

Yikes!!!!!!!! Tossing back a shot of something strong for you! pop over to know why I'm drinking tonight too!

Terri said...

My loyal subject, I have orders for you over at my place. (hehehehe)