January 17, 2009

Marriage Challange

It's funny how things happen sometimes. A few days back I was playing in Facebook (my latest addiction) and an ad popped up in the side bar. Normally I ignore them, but this one caught my attention. I was fascinated, so I opened a new tab in my browser & typed in the web address. This is what I found:

I love it. I want one. Why? Because my husband does indeed rock. He's a wonderful man & I love him with all my heart.

Now I am not one to be all mush & wax poetic about our relationship. I'm not really verbal about how much I love him or how blessed I am to have him. I wish I were, but I think that might make him a tad uncomfortable as he's not really demonstrative himself. I tell him I love him, but not often enough. I try to let him know by my actions, but I could use a good deal of help with that one.

So while browsing around the My Husband Rocks site (which also has "My Wife Rocks" apparel), I found a link to another page I thought was worth sharing.

On Monday I told you I was working on a challenge for you to do with me. Maybe Saturday isn't the day to start something like this, but it's the day I found the time to do it...sorry.

Here's the deal: the site I found is a 30 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge for wives. This will not be easy...especially for me, but I'm hoping you all will join me & help hold me accountable. I will warn you up front (because I know some of you do not share my beliefs) that this is a Biblically based challenge, but everything I've read so far could apply to any marriage whether you're a Christian or not.

Here are the rules:
For 30 days:
* You can't say anything negative about your husband ...to your husband...or to anyone else, about your husband.
* Say something that you admire or appreciate about your husband...to your husband...and to someone else, about your husband!
I said this wouldn't be easy.
Today's challenge: Show your thankfulness to your husband for choosing you above all others. Even if it's just telling him that you love him first thing in the morning, let him know you're thankful for him. Leave him a note, tell him face to face, how ever you want to do it. Just let him know.
So, here we go, FarmBoy, I love you & I am so blessed to have you as my husband. Thank you for loving me & caring for me for the past 11 years!


Mim said...

What a great idea Farmwife. Thanks for the idea.

Unknown said...

Now that is a lovely idea.. and a ray of positivity in my life right now.I am going to do it!I don't think it will that hard because my Man is the best thing that ever happened to me! S xx

areyoukiddingme said...

Well, I'll give it a shot...as long as thinking doesn't count! :) My husband will wonder who replaced his wife, though.

I do try not to be too hard on him, but sometimes...well, let's just say he enjoys winding me up.

Inkling said...

That is AWESOME. It's a lot like what Emerson Eggerich suggests in his Love & Respect book. I know firsthand what it does when you tell a man what you respect/appreciate about him. For some reason, it fills him up way more than telling him that you love him. I've got a long way to go in the area of letting my husband have the freedom to do the laundry/dishes/driving/dressing in his own way instead of mine without being critical, so this is a good challenge for me. I'm taking you up on it!

BTW, when I have time, I'm going to write a post about Needlefingers and Ragged. They ROCK the free world.

And your grasshopper outfit is simply perfect and adorable in every way. Tell Baby Girl that she's got really good eyes for spotting the perfect gift. =) I can't wait until Grasshopper is big enough to wear it so we can send an autographed picture to your brood.

Kork said...

I LOVE THIS! I'm a little late in replying, but pop on over to my blog and you'll find out just why it took me 3 days to get here!

Aimee said...

This sounds like a great idea, but we are dealing with some wounds and trust issues. Our first counseling session is this week, actually. I'd love to commit, but I'm not sure I can while we are dealing with our issues.