There is one thing I'm even more tired of dealing with than my wisdom teeth. Wanna' guess what it is? Drum roll please.....
The freaking election.
If I never have to hear the words Key State, Obama, McCain, Sara Palin, Biden, Joe the Plumber, Blue State, Red State, Leading in the Polls, Change, Health Care Plan, New Taxes, No New Taxes, Early Voting, GOP, I am not President Bush, Bailout, or Campaigning again, it will be too soon. I feel this way every four years or so. My Husband's obsession with CNN isn't helping. I told him he needs to go spend the day watching the news with his Uncle E & leave me in peace.
In other news, Husband is practicing to be a grade school cheer leader. At least that's how he sounds. He's walking around the house randomly chanting the cheers BabyGirl's been plaguing us with for the past 4 days. It's one thing to hear five 7 & 8 year old chant "Hey Warriors! Hey What? Hey Warriors! Hey What? Shake your booty! No Way! Shake Your Booty! OK! Jump! Shake your booty! Jump, jump! Shake your booty!" It's an entirely different story when it's a 34 year old man.
I'm off to either clean my house (yeah, maybe not), play blocks with Bitsy (much more likely), or read some more of The Bondwoman's Narrative. Oh, and I guess since it's Monday again (and I forgot last week) it's time for Ask FarmWife Day. Ask away!
Election....I hear you. I'm dealing with a whole heck of a lot of damage a particular organization caused a loved one of mine by allowing a fictional futuristic 16 page letter about how horrid our world will be if a certain person wins to be published. Like we really need peole to try to win votes for their chosen candidate by saying, "If you vote for the other guy, you have just given permission for the apocolypse to begin. Don't pass go, don't collect 200, head straight to Armageddon." Geez. So helpful. I'm so ready for the USA to just vote already, and stop using all these ridiculous scare tactics.
As for the cheering.....whoa. While my philosophy on spanking and discipline has been extremely redefined in the past eight years, I found it crazy that your seven year old was using a phrase that once got me nearly spanking a first grader for using in the classroom. (Yes, those were my legalistic days when I thought teachers could and should spank in school. I would harm any teacher who tried to do such a thing now, so I'm not proud of my past. But it is where I once was, and it's amazing to me that I was so respected for holding such a firm -and crazy unhealthy- stance. Oh joy.) But still, I don't particularly like to hear a small child say, "shake your booty", unless they think it's a slipper.
i think you forgot "wall street" and "main street". Those annoy me too.
I'm with you Farmie! About both...the image of FarmBoy wandering around chanting middle school cheers is eerily reminiscent of one of the signs of the Apocalypse...and you tell him I said so... :D hee hee
OK - Asking FarmWife - What is your take on Organic for Baby? Inkling I know how you feel...and I'm curious how Farmie feels about going organic and green, being in the middle of the Midwest as she is.
Why does sticking your finger in coke fizz cause it to dissipate quicker?
Why was chai tea okay to drink when I wasn't pregnant, and I loved it, and why does it cause me in this glorious beginning of the third trimester to feel like puking is imminent? Is there some weird chemical or spice that is contraindicated in pregnancy or something?
That whole pubic bone softening thing that causes one to feel as if her bone down there is separating in two with each step is kind of painful. How long does it last? Why is it so painful? And does it cause pain when it's getting back to its normal state post-delivery?
Where did "shake your booty" arise from anyway? Didn't booty once mean a type of loot? So when did it start referring to the nether regions of a woman's backside?
Why is it that organic milk in the smaller containers lasts forever.. but the larger jugs only last the same amount of time as regular milk? What is so special about those smaller cartons?
Election? I didn't know we were having an election...
I so agree with you. I am ready for it to be D.O.N.E.
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