October 27, 2008

Perfect Moment Monday

I nearly forgot my perfect moment today, what with all my political ranting & ripping all my Christmas music so I can sync up my Zune (important things must be accomplished before I'm out of commission for days on end. Christmas music is at the top of that list. Why shouldn't it be?) & eating Pomegranate Tootsie-pops.

I Capture
Perfect Moments.

Bitsy was in a Peek-a-Boo mood today. She hasn't been interested in playing it lately so I was excited. I decided it was about time she learned the short version of Pat-a-Cake. She loves to clap so I figured it would be a breeze. She picked the clapping part up very quickly, looked at me like I was crazy when I said "Roll 'em up," and threw her arms in the air for "throw it in the pan!"

About 2 hours later she started staring at me intently and clapping her pudgy little hands. It took me a second, but I got the idea. It was time to show Daddy Pat-a-Cake. When I got to "Roll 'em up" she started wiggling her arms around in front of her trying her best to make circles. She was so proud of her self.


1 comment:

Lori Lavender Luz said...

It's so great when a child "gets" that she can influence her environment and get you to play with her.

Great Perfect Moment!

And thanks for playing Lori's Childhood Trivia. Not Benson, sadly.