How was the trip to the dentist, you might ask? Idon'twannatalkaboutit. OK, so when do I ever not want to talk about something? It was horrible. We drove 45 minutes to get to the dentist. B.B. refused to go in the exam room without me. The exam room isn't equipped for parent's to stay & observe. Bitsy couldn't be down, so I had to hold her. Have I mentioned that the lining of my right shoulder is inflamed so my arm hurts from my wrist to my neck? Not fun when packing a wiggling ball of baby girl. I had to stand in a 2 square foot space in the exam room. B.B. flat refused to let anyone near his mouth or to lay back on the exam table. After 30 minutes of bribery & cajoling & threats & everything we could think of, we left with no exam what so ever. I was not happy.
But, we're home. I would give my right arm for a DQ Heath Blizzard with extra candy. That arm hurts anyway, so why not trade it in for something that I really want?
B.B. & Bitsy are watching Boz. Bitsy is dancing & actually watching the TV. Maybe we've found the show she'll watch...HT would be happy. He's a tad obsessed with Boz. He would be very
excited to know that B.B. has met Boz. At least that's what B.B. just told me. "Mommy, did you know I saw Boz in real life? I did. He lives in a tree in our creek. Daddy took me to his house another day." HT would be pea green with envy if he knew Boz lived in our creek. I can't believe I've never noticed the giant green bear hanging out by the pasture.

Speaking of bears, on the way to the dentist this morning, there was a large, black, shaggy dog walking down the side of the road. B.B. saw it & got very excited. "Look, Mommy! Look!! It's a baby bear!!" I said it looks like one, but it's really just a big dog. "No, Mom. 'Cause it has a black tail & a black tail means BEAR!" That's news to me. He's still convinced it was a bear.
I'm sorry the visit was a bust...hopefully they won't bill you for a no-go...
I vote for drugging him next know, find the one thing that makes him sleepy without being asleep...some grown ups use can give him...ummm...whatever it is that works...just make sure you wash the scent of it down before the visit so they don't turn you over to CPS for giving your 3 year old a shot of whiskey...
Ah man, sorry about the dentist trip. Those poor sheep look so pittiful now!
Come on, you didn't know that a creature with a black tail is automatically a bear?:) Duh! Sometimes we moms are so out of it, ya know!!
What! No revenge?!
I hear Boz died because he didn't behave himself at the dentist.
Ugh! Driving all that way for no exam. Wander if it is the same dentist I used to take my kids to? Remind me to tell you my experience with dentists and my oldest daughter...... or maybe I shouldn't tell you...... Well, today my 3 are all off to the dentist. Gotta get off the puter and get my chores done.
my middle child, Q, was born premature and had enamel problems so his baby teeth were in terrible shape. In his first two years he had four baby root canals and he was just like BB, so we had to drug him to get him in the dentist! It was the most horrible thing I'd had to do to him, I got so where I couldn't do it and my hubs do it! :o( I feel your pain.
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