HA! I am so funny! Really, aren't you just amazed at how funny I am?
I have learned things recently. Want to know what they are? Too bad. I'm going to tell you anyway.
- Young calves are too cute for color TV. When they grow up they are much less cute.
- Any signs of life in my yard are enough to make me run around with my camera capturing every sprout & blossom.
Now if only they could inspire me to weed & mulch things. I think I may be A Wandering Heart's HOA's worst nightmare!
- When he gets mad, B.B. likes to throw things (OK, so this isn't a new thing. It's been going on for a while. It is not met with great enthusiasim from his parents).
- I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Dermabond!!!! It comes in very handy when your three year old throws a glass (Really!) at his brother in the bath tub lacerating said brother's shoulder. SO much easier than stitches & the shots that go with them.
- Great Uncle Gick is really good at calming down & distracting brother while Doc glues him back together.
- B.B. is terrified of his brother's blood. Like won't-come-near-him-in-the-shower-for-fear-of-being-bled-on terrified.
- Glass shards are not easy to clean out of a bath tub full of water. They are also not easy to clean off a wet boy.
- If one child gets hurt, the other 3 must have melt-downs....& the dog must go crazy....and the pizza must burn....and mom must yell, "EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP FOR 3 SECONDS!!"
- Busha is a great emergency baby sitter.
- RL & J can be at my house in under 3 minutes if the need arises (like the kids melting down, the dog going crazy, the pizza burning).
- A sucker & a Happy Meal make all owies better.
- "It's NOT FAIR that #1 Son got a Happy Meal & didn't have to go to school today!"
- BabyGirl may just lacerate her own shoulder to get chicken nuggets & a day to play hookey.
- McDonald's American Idol toys will make you want to toss them out a 4th story window within minutes of coming out of the plastic bag.
- Once I start making jelly with wild flowers, I may never
stop. When do roses bloom around here?! What other flowers are edible...dandelion jelly doesn't really sound appealing.
- Bad things really do come in threes. 1. Earthquakes (many, many earth quakes). 2. Vomiting & fever in the night. 3. Deep cuts & a trip to the ER.
- I need a vacation that does not include giant concrete dinosaurs.
Yes, last night was super fun. Can we do it again, please?
it's in the water I tell ya..it's in the water..
And if it isn't in the water, it must be the spring air...it really IS spring fever!
Sorry, darling! and I liked the jelly roll comment...I laughed at it.
Just think, in 1 more year, you'll be down to just one at home during the day! Start counting NOW!
Oooh...guess what? I got the Peanut Butter to go with your jelly! I just made some honey peanut butter...mmmmmmm...let me know how much you want to trade for your jelly. ;)
Not your boy, too??? ER visits where cuts are involved absolutely blow. As does broken glass. You had both?
Sounds like you really, really need some time to yourself. Hang in there!
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