I'm glad I'm not alone in this. Sara also hates today. It is a vile, evil day. It's made worse by a husband who loves practical jokes & teaches his children the horrific art of deception.
This morning I awoke in a particularly foul mood. I know it has nothing to do with Bitsy not sleeping last night either...or the biting...or #1 Son's complete lack of an attention span this morning...or my general achy-ness due to my new found work-out ethic (does it smell like sarcasm in here or is it just me?).
I was arguing with #1 Son about his intent to drop out of pre-school, and trying to convince BabyGirl that she can wear a different shirt to school (I know, I know, I was thrilled when she wore the new clothes to school last week, but she's now worn the same outfit every day since...time for a change girl!) when Husband's voice drifts in from the bathroom. "They made an announcement at work last night. They're shutting down C**** in A-town & sending everything to China." My response? "Liar." Husband retorted, "April Fools!" To which I graciously responded, "DON'T EVER DO THAT TO ME! I HATE APRIL FOOLS! I DON'T HAVE THE TIME OR THE PATIENCE FOR THAT CRAP! AND DON'T YOU DARE TEACH THE KIDS TO DO IT BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO HEAR, "april fools! april fools! april fools!" (said in the most annoying, condescending sing-song voice you can imagine) ALL DAY LONG." Do you think he took my oh so subtle hint? Uh, no.
He "April fooled" the kids until they were out the door, much to my growing chagrin. Wisely, though he left me alone when he got home. He went back to bed (after working 4 hours over last night) for a much needed nap. I quickly forgot about it all.
#1 Son came home from school & Husband went outside to do chores & check on our new girl (see post below). The boys were playing & watching TV while I got dinner ready. When Bitsy woke up from her nap, I sat down to change her diaper. Half way through the diaper change, #1 Son comes running out from behind the arm chair & yells, "Mom!! Lilly May pooped behind the chair!" I did not react with grace to the announcement. "What?! Lilly!! Ugh..." and hurried to get Bitsy diapered so I could clean up the mess. #1 Son paused a moment, then jumped in the air & yelled, "April Fools!!"
This part sets me up for the bad mother of the year award. I got mad. I told him that was not the least bit nice & I don't like being tricked like that. "Daddy told me I should do it." Oh boy, did the tables turn. I said, "I'm sorry I got upset with you, bud. I shouldn't have. But you need to know, Mommy does not like to be fooled like that. Daddy shouldn't have told you to do that. He knows better."
Later on, Husband was kicked back in his recliner when I said, "By the way, I do not appreciate the whole dog-pooping-on-the-carpet thing. I thought I made it abundantly clear this morning that I do not enjoy April Fools...and you roped our son into it." Husband turned to #1 Son & said, "But it was funny, wasn't it, Bubba?" To which #1 Son replied, "Uh, no. She just got mad." His dad's reply? "Tell mom she needs to loosen up."
Yeah, I really hate this day.
Disclaimer: I am not mad at my husband. Please do not attack him in comments. He loves to joke like this & normally I take it all in stride. I did not for one iota of a second believe the thing about C****. Today I was just not in the mood for it (obviously). Hopefully he & his son learned their lessons...at least I know the younger of the two did.
It's just not funny, is it? A day to make people look gullible and dumb? I hate it. Fortunately, people have left me alone about it!! Thank goodness!! Glad to have a sister in the hatred of stupid jokes!!!
I don't mind the little kids doing April fools because most of their jokes you can see a mile away.
I hate grown ups doing April fools mostly because its mean things they do. I don't find mean funny never have.
wonder if FB will keep the 'loosen up' in mind on the big Dinosaur World adventure.
boy is he in for a surprise on that trip. I know he was just having fun, but I wonder if he realizes what it will be like with those kids in the car...for any amount of time over the drive to Effin-bill...
Sorry FB was such a dork yesterday...and YES, that was a dorky thing to do, after you asked him not to...Ugh...Boys! :)
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