It's 3:30 AM. Do you know where your Bitsy is? Mine is crawling about the living room investigating every nook & cranny. Every so often she stops to take a bite out of my arm. It's really a darling little habit. I fear she thinks if she doesn't use her teeth she'll lose them. The Good Lord was very wise when he made babies so cute. If they weren't mindbogglingly adorable, they'd never get away with all the evil things they do to their parents.
Really, would you let a horrible little thing (I'm imagining a naked mole rat) puke on you regularly? Or clean up after it when it poos on its self? Or allow it to scream at you for hours on end because it's gums hurt? Or wake you up umpteen times a night? No, that pudgy smile & funny laugh go a long, long way.
I woke up Sunday morning to a serious thunderstorm. The lightning was close, the thunder, loud, the rain, torrential. It made me take pause at the thought of dragging the kids out for church. Then QM called. "G'Pa M&M is in the hospital. That's all I know. I'll call you when we know more." That cinched it. I wasn't leaving the house until I heard what was going on.
Thankfully Grandpa is well. He passed out in the bathroom while shaving. Grandma managed to help him up onto the toilet where he passed out again. Then she called an ambulance. His EKG & CAT scan both came back clear. This isn't the first time this has happened to him. I know he & Grandma both worry about it a lot. I wonder if it isn't related to some of the medication he's on. Regardless of the cause, I'm just relieved that he is OK. The hospital was going to keep him overnight for observation.
All the excitement & my total lack of desire to get drenched, I didn't walk yesterday morning. I was debating skipping the day (bad idea, I know) when 6 o'clock rolled around. While still overcast, the rain was over & the temperature pleasant. So off I went. I'm not sure if the trip was faster, but it seemed so. I may just keep this up. I really should to commit to doing one of the work outs on my Pilates DVD if weather & children keep me trapped in doors.
Tomorrow (well, technically today) will be BabyGirl's first day at school in her new glasses. I hope they make it home in one piece. She wore them all evening Friday, but has barely had them on since. It's making her dad crazy.
I've been stalking MP3 players on line. I know the one I want...seriously, how cute is that pink one? This one isn't bad either. I'm stalking both at the moment. But wants and needs are very different things. OK, OK, so I don't really need an MP3 player at all. Not the point. The point is, I do not want to spend mega bucks on stuff I don't need. I don't need video. Don't really need pictures. Just want music. And I need something in idiot proof. And did I mention cheap?
Any suggestions? I know next to nothing about MP3 players, so I'd really like some help here, folks. Please, before I make a mistake & end up with something I'll have to take a class at MIT to understand.
I've only done iPods - I had a nano which was just fine until I ran out of memory. I now have the Classic with oodles of space. I like to download podcasts and listen to them when I walk (my current favorite is Radiolab from WNYC). So, for me space was the biggest issue. Sorry I can't be more helpful!
Glad your grandfather is ok, that's a big scare, eh?
Here's a thought about MP3 players, which like most of myu thoughts isn't worth much. . . I want an Ipod more than I want anything, except a new house, but I (very reluctantly) got a SanDisk at an after Thanksgiving sale and it's amazing and inexpensive. Still get to download lots of music, still listen to podcasts, still get to sort songs and so forth. Worth all of the $35 I have into it. Mine is red, pretty red, nearly I'm Not A Waitress Red.
Let me get this straight - the search criteria is Pink and Cheap? Just need to amke sure that I have it right before I spend a lot of time looking.
Pink, cheap, and has a screen so I can see what I'm listening too. Yeah, that's about it, Dad.
may I recommend then ipod shuffle..currently 49.00 and holds 1 GB of music..79.00 and holds 2 GB of music.
It is the size of your thumb or slightly bigger and clips to your clothing (i clip it to my shirts..
it's control is off, on, volume up down, play,pause, and skip forward (to next song)
I love mine and am so thankful for it.
oops my bad I didn't realize you wanted a screen..the ipod shuffle doesn't have one.
Could your Grandpa's B/P be dropping. That's what happens with my grandpa and causes him to pass out..His b/p gets out of wack and causes him to pass out.
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