In other Hot Mama news...I really need to get out of my pajamas on occasion. I have to admit, it's all gone to pot. The make-up rarely comes out. I live in miss-matched pj's that would leave Art rolling on the floor with laughter (there's a post for you my dear friend). I only break out the flat iron when absolutely necessary. I have fallen off the wagon. I am ashamed.
Maybe when my daughter begins dressing herself voluntarily, I'll fix my hair again.
In good Hot Mama news, my favorite pair of pre-pregnancy jeans fit again. They are comfy & cute & were cheap. This makes me happy. I now have 3 pairs of cute jeans to wear in public. Yahoo for me.
I do have a question for you, my darling readers. Who do you get gussied up for? Your significant other or yourself? Husband wouldn't notice if I came out wearing a prom dress & bee hive...well, maybe then, but that's about what it would take. He's never understood my tendencies towards being a clothes horse and my need to do hair & make-up just to pick a child up from Pre-school. He's a boy. He rarely notices. So it's all for me.
Oh, oh, oh, the mail just came. I got my gift card & sponge from the honesty contest. Very cool!! And my new book about SPD. I heart mail!
Get your prom dress & bee hive out.I would love to know how FarmBoy would react to that. Meet him at the door one night.
I would even come and camp out with the kids just so that could happen.
i fix up for the other moms, i know that i have to be the cutest most trendiest mom in the room!
This may be super old-fashioned, but I put on makeup and fix my hair and dress mainly for my husband. I want him to know that I go the extra mile for him and don't want him to be embarassed by being seen with me.
My other motivation for getting fixed up every day (and for working out, using Retin-A on my face, and keeping up with trends) is other women.
I'm very shallow.
DH and myself. Mostly DH. I figure he won't notice the house looks like crap if I am am dazzling.
Um, really... sometimes I get dressed up just to help myself feel better. But for me, dressed up is nice slacks (not jeans, unless they are just really cute jeans) and a nice sweater with jewelry... if I'm really motivated, some makeup.
Oooh...tough one Farmie...
I must admit, I dress for BB. I know that is shallow, after all he chose me, blah blah blah...but ever since he and his brother CalCustom had a conversation about "the jerk factor", and how the hot chicks always end up with the schmucks, I try very hard to make sure that everyone knows that BB got a keeper who hasn't "let herself go" even with kids and stuff.
Plus, I like knowing that people look at us...like I said...shallow!
I wish I could say I do it for Husband, but he rarely notices. More often than not, he gets slightly irritated when I'm primping...he'd rather I pull on jeans & a t-shirt & run out the door. Saves time.
He just needs to go to Chicago with you sometime.
When the guy walking towards you gives him a way to go look or even says something about his luck he will puff up in pride.
Sometimes it takes other guys to remind a guy of what he has got.
Ask U.Gick if he remembers it happening to him.
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