October 30, 2007

Sleepless in Southern Illinois & B.B.'s newest delusion

I got two calls yesterday from families who are coming tonight to look at puppies. I'm praying they'll each take one. That would leave us with 4 pups & the rest of the week with ads in the paper.

I think I'm the walking dead this morning. I couldn't wind down last night (not sure why), so I didn't get to bed until about 20 minutes after midnight. I'm normally out by 10:30, so last night was very odd...especially since this time it had nothing to do with the Transformers movie.

Even after I went to bed, I still couldn't get to sleep (I need to stop reading about Jack the Ripper just before bed), so I laid there for another 20 minutes. I finally started to doze when I realized someone was in the room with me. For some reason I didn't freak, I just got up, asked "someone" (aka B.B.) why he was in my room, got him his drink of water, & put him back in bed. As I laid back down the adrenaline kicked in & I found myself sleepless yet again. Very shortly after I dozed off the second time, Bitsy woke up wanting to eat. Since Husband was still at work (overtime), I brought her to bed with me thinking she'd eat & go right back to sleep. No such luck. She ate, fussed, ate some more, fussed some more, tossed & turned, spit up on the bed, then decided to be fully awake (this all took about 45 minutes...by this time it was 2 am).

I took her back in the living room, changed her & let her roll in the floor until her dad got home...at 3 am! During the time we were in the living room, B.B. got up again. When Bitsy fell asleep on the floor, I put her back in her crib, I drug myself back to bed, & fell asleep almost immediately. At 4 am, #1 Son came in the room complaining of scary shadows in his room. Husband told him to get me because he hadn't gotten any sleep. Normally I don't have a problem putting the kids back in bed as I am the one who gets more opportunities to sleep, but not last night. Of course when all this was going on, I wasn't alert enough to argue. I just steered my oldest son back to bed with a dire warning about what may happen if he got up again before daylight.

I collapsed back in bed just in time for Bitsy to wake up to eat yet again...this time I kept her in bed with us as a last ditch effort to sleep more than 30 minutes at a time. She woke up at 6:20, raring to go. Thus began my day, much to my chagrin! While the kids were getting ready for school, Husband asked if he was taking them or was I...I told him he needed to as I really didn't trust myself to drive. Here's hoping I don't collapse during the day.

B.B. is currently suiting up in his protective gear. Bike helmet, knee & elbow pads...to set & watch Doogal (with its 30+ pop culture references). Lately, his favorite phrase is "last time I did" or "last time when I was a baby, I did." This always follows me telling him not to do something or to stop doing whatever he's doing. Since we came home from QM's house it's become, "Last time, at Grammy's I did." Saturday I'd had about enough of it. I'd been told he'd jumped on the beds at Grammy's, he'd stood on the kitchen table at Grammy's, he'd thrown all the couch cusions on the floor at Grammy's, and all manner of other mischief. I said, "OK, so why don't I call Grammy & ask her about it?" "NO, MOMMY!! Don't call Grammy!!" "Then you'd better straighten up, mister."

Last night I was talking to QM while B.B. was running through the house on a new reign of terror. He overheard me telling this story & asked who I was talking to. I told him & he yelled, "NO! YOU TAN'T TELL GRAMMY!! DA POLICE SAID YOU TAN'T CALL HER!" He then informed me that the police let him do bad things and they said I'm not allowed to call Grammy & tell her about them. Oy.


Anonymous said...

here's to a restful night sleep tonight

Kork said...

My poor Farmie...it will get better, I promise! And just think, someday, when B.B. is all grown up and has children of his own terrorizing his life (and YES, he will make it that far), you can gently remind him of these things, and then laugh, and laugh, and laugh, as you either hang up the phone, or drive away from his house...

Praying for a restful day, and an even more restful night.

Jeni says said...

i just love those nights when we all play musical beds all night, it feels like the door to my room is revolving! zion likes to roam the house all night, i think she sleep walks but she also just goes from josiah's bed to elisha's then to mine and makes the rounds back to hers eventually! it is rare that she will sleep through the night without a little house roaming in there somewhere