This was a conversation I overheard in the van yesterday.
BabyGirl: Who made the world & everything?
#1 Son: God did.
BabyGirl: Who helped him?
#1 Son: Pirates!
BabyGirl: No. Jesus did.
#1 Son: Oh.
Last night B.B. and I were laying on the couch watching Delta Farce with Husband (trust me, don't bother. It was S-T-U-P-I-D). I told B.B. I needed to cuddle with him. He replied, "Us tan't puddle in da house, Mommy. We hava' go outside in with our boots & jackets to puddle. Da puddles are in da rocks in da driveway and we hava' step in dem. Dat's how you puddle. Not on the couch!"
just asked him to hand Bitsy her bear off the floor. He picked it up and said, "Oh! It's so cute! Just like a baby. Like Bitsy!"
And the picture is BabyGirl's yard sale. A few weeks ago she refused to get dressed to go out & play so I made her go in her room. After about an hour alone, she came out and said, "Would you like to come to my yard sale? Everything's for sale. You can buy it if you want." This is what I found.
Thought I told you that movie was stupid.
The conversation reminds me of one of yours at the age of 3 or 4 you know thats when you know everything.
I knew it would be stupid. For the record I did not pick it out...that was all FarmBoy. I believe my exact words were, "Oh, are you getting that because the Health Inspector movie wasn't stupid enough for you?" Boys....
hehe, pirates!
Ah it sounds as if baby girl has a bit of entrepeneural (my spelling is attrocious but hope you can tell what I mean) spirit. Did you buy anything ;)
How do you keep from laughing all day long at those conversations? I know they are held in all seriousness on the part of the urchins, but still...
And anything with Larry the Cable Guy ACTING in it that is NOT a Blue Collar something is going to be a waste of time.
His voice as Mater in Cars was about the best thing he's done that was not his comedy routine. Boys....
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