September 19, 2007


My brain feels like mush today. I was up to late last night trying to get laundry folded. I'm usually in bed by 10:30, but last night I was watching Extreme Home Makeover on TV Land when Husband got home from work. He usually works 2 hours over every night, but since he wasn't feeling well, he came home on time last night. If I'm not in bed when he gets home we sit up talking & watching TV. It pretty well guarantees an extra hour before I hit the sack. It's nice because we don't often get time alone to talk, but makes the next morning pretty tough.

I've been trying to load pictures for two days to no avail. I took the kids past the field BabyGirl helped Uncle Gick plant last spring. As soon as she saw the field, she shouted, "Hey! Those are my beans!" So I went home, go the camera, and headed back to take her picture with them before time to combine. I got some really cute pictures, but since nothing wants to work for me today, I can't share them.

I'm setting at the computer blowing bubbles with my pink lemonade bubble gum. B.B. keeps telling me, "Simon says, 'Blow the pink gum.'" When the bubble pops he informs me that, "Simon didn't say, Mommy!" He wants to pop the bubble, but I'm not keen on sticky toddler fingers in my gum. #1 Son is getting in on the action. They keep missing and poking me in the chin instead. Oh, and B.B. doesn't say 'Simon' very well. It usually comes out "Diamon says!"

Do you ever chew gum until you know one more chew and you will, without a doubt, gag on the stuff? I mean get-this-out-of-my-mouth-now-or-I'll-hurl kind of thing? As Kimberly would say- Yeah, me neither!

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