September 20, 2007

Growing up ain't easy to do.....

#1 Son started having nightmares when school started this year. He's never had them before. He's never complained about school. We are baffled. He loves school, but the bad dreams are definitely related to going to school.

Every night for the first week or two of school, he'd come in our room in the middle of the night upset. One of us would have to either get in bed with him, sleep in the living room with him, or bring him to bed with us. Between #1 Son & Bitsy, we weren't getting much sleep. After the second week or so, things started to calm down a bit. Now he only gets up ever other or every third night.

I asked Zann if she's make him a superhero shield & she knocked out a fabulous one. My execution leaves much to be desired, but all I had on hand were permanent markers and some very old fabric paint.

When I gave it to him tonight he was over the moon! I told him Superheros don't have bad dreams, and they can stay in bed all night long. He was so excited!! When I put him in bed he said, "I won't get up tonight, Mommy! I have my superhero shirt on. It will help me stay in bed!" I hope so.

BabyGirl is reading. This isn't really a new thing, but it still shocks me to see her sit down and read a story. She has reading home work at least 3 times a week. Her teacher tells them to read to specific inanimate objects so they won't be embarrassed if they have trouble. Last week she had to read to the couch. Monday she had to read to a spoon. Yesterday she had to read to a tree. BabyGirl takes her assignments very seriously. QM said I should start taking pictures of her reading to her objects. I had already taken this one...I loved that she was setting in the yard surrounded by cats, reading to my little poplar tree. I hope the tree enjoyed Path on the Map as much as I did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

b-4 reading and clicking on the picture at first glimpse I thought babygirl was reading to the calves. After clicking and reading I've come to the conclusion I must wear my reading glasses more. Hope the night terrors stop..Try dream therapy with him. I swear by it..Tell him his shoelaces are secret wepons, or his watch.