August 13, 2007

Soldier of the Revolution

If you are very observant (read: bored) you may have noticed the Hot Mama Revolution button in my side bar. You may also have noticed a slight downsizing of said side bar. I was trying to get into the Guinness Book World Records for having the longest side bar known to blogdom, but I got bored with that project, so I've moved on. I've become a soldier of the Revolution thanks to yet another Sarah who came to visit here last week.

Here's the deal. In my 6 + years as Mama to the FarmHands, I've lost some of what made me me. I've traded in movies and make-up for Fisher Price and Spongebob. When I once would have loved a diner out at Olive Garden or The Macaroni Grill, I now swoon at the thought of Pizza Hut or Burger King. When I once would have loved to splurge on a pedicure and 3 inch heels, I now live in Crocs and have heels you could sand wood work with.

In an attempt to get back a little bit of my 'City Gal-ness', I'm trying to focus a small amount of energy on me. While I will always remain FarmWife, I do miss the old me and would like to reacquaint with her at least on some level. I still dream of Manolo Blahniks, but live in the reality of Wal-Mart clearance (note: I have never been in a position to spend $755 on a pair of first car didn't cost much more than that! And even if I were in the position, I'd be too scared to wear them anywhere).

Blogging helps me a great deal in this area. It reminds me there is more to life than diapers, homework, sibling rivalry, and livestock. There are other women out there. There are people who can go into public without foreknowledge of the nearest bathroom with a changing table.

My new goal is a simple one. One small step in my return to "hotness." I want to shower. That's it. Just normal, daily, personal hygiene. Something that has been sadly neglected since Bitsy's birth. In fact, as I'm typing I'm about 43 hours from my last shower. Somehow there never seems to be a time when Husband is awake/home/available to wrangle the kids and Bitsy is happy and full long enough for me to escape. And to be honest, right now I stink.

The photo is a prime example of why I cannot leave my children unattended long enough to shower. I was setting 4 feet away when the brownie pan hit the floor. What would they do if unsupervised?! I may have to send B.B. to live with Inkling and Henry David for a while. He could teach Henry David a thing or two about free climbing.


Inkling said...

That sounds fine with me. Of course, we would have to tether him, and we'd probably all have to wear helmets....indoors. =) Ah, just chant this mantra with me......"In 18 years they will all be in college. In 18 years they will all be in college." Or maybe this one......"In 18 years they will all be potty trained." On the bright side, you could always spend their inheritance on therapy....for you. =)

Sarah @ Ordinary Days said...

I just recently rejoined the world of showering daily. It can really be tough with tons of little ones running around.
I love your avatar on the side. I have been counting down the days till my oldest heads back to preschool. Yes, it's only for three afternoons a week. But I will take what I can get! :)

Anonymous said...

How was your first day of back to school? I love ya!!

SAHMmy Says said...

Thanks for commenting on my site--had to check yours out too! Showers were hard to come by when my oldest was potty training--I was afraid to leave him alone even for 5 minutes for fear that I would need another shower after I cleaned up the mess he made!