August 14, 2007


I'm not feeling very articulate right now.
I'm basically monosyllabic at the moment (I think 'monosyllabic' is an oxymoron).
Yeah, OK, sure, whatever. Ugh.
BabyGirl had 2 hours of school today.
Tomorrow is her first full day.
Tomorrow is #1 Son's visit day for Pre-k.
Thursday is his first "full" day.
He only goes from 8 to 11.
Today is Husband's 33rd birthday.

I got him nothing.
Didn't even make his pie.
I'm a lousy wife.

Hey, that's a haiku. Feel free to leave one in response.

*note: I usually make him a coconut cream pie.*


emily said...

You gave him a child.
Kisses are better than pie.
Lucky, lucky, man.

Bonnie said...

Stopped in for a peek -
you've got something special.
I'll leave encouraged.

O.k fine, it was my first attempt, but I even had to look up haiku! Thanks for sharing regardless!

anonymous jones said...

moronic oxymoron
English language joke!