August 16, 2007

Just another boring day

In 3 hours of pre-k all #1 Son did was play on the playground, ("and anyway, Inkling, there was a crocodile to bounce on and even a school bus to play on") sit criss-cross on the rug, listen to Miss Gerri read a Franklin story, get a sticker, and "drink milk but not eat the goldfish crackers because they were whales and even I don't like whales."

BabyGirl has been giving me babysitting instructions before she leaves for school every morning. The only problem is, some of them are real babies & some are just dolls (according to her) and I'm not sure which are which. "It's so hard being pregnant all the time, Mom. And I've been pregnant a lot!"

Bitsy is smiling a lot lately. It's precious. I'm a sucker for a toothless grin. I only wish I could make her smile, but so far it seems to be fairly random. I'm like that rat that hit the button 15,000 times because it randomly shot out food. Yup...I set and make faces and talk like an idiot for hours on the off chance that I may get a lopsided grin.

Oh, and my little mountain goat scaled to new heights today...well, actually the were no higher than his usual heights. B.B. climbed up to the faucet and broke it off. Yeah, so I have no kitchen faucet head at the moment. Just the hose that the water comes out of (we had a sprayer head). I'm thinking of renting him out to demolition crews. He'll may get the job in spite of the giant bite mark bruise he's sporting on his left cheek bone courtesy of his older brother in retaliation for the bite marks #1 Son has on his back.

I love my children.

Now I'm just waiting for Ace of Cakes to come on Food Network because I (heart) Duff! I so want a Charm City Cake for my B-day!

1 comment:

Sarah @ Ordinary Days said...

"It's so hard being pregnant all the time, Mom. And I've been pregnant a lot!" She is cracking me up!