August 15, 2007

It's like pulling teeth

Daddy/Pa called #1 Son today to see how his first day of Pre-K went. I had emailed him a picture of #1 Son dressed & ready to go. Although not verbatim, the conversation went something like this:

Pa- So, what did you do today?
#1- And even I went four wheeler riding & played outside.
Pa- Well what did you do before that?
#1- I ate animal crackers.
Pa- What did you do before you ate the animal crackers?
#1- Well, anyway, I was inside & I ate animal crackers.
Pa- OK, let's start over. What did you do this morning when Mama put on your red Spider-Man shirt?
#1- No, I put on my shirt all by myself.
Pa- OK, what did you do after you ate breakfast, put on your clothes, and Mama took your picture?
#1- How did you know Mommy took my picture, Pa?
Pa- Because she sent it to me. Where did you go after she took your picture?
#1- To preschool. But it was only a visit day, Pa.

Sometimes grandfathers can be so pushy wanting to know things about people...honestly!

After we picked BabyGirl up from school we went to see Busha. As I was loading them back up to go home, BabyGirl looked at me and said in a snotty, pre-teen, sing-song voice, "I'm already in my seat. Sorry, Tina!" Um, OK. For the record, my name is not Tina. Not even close.


Queen Mother said...

well, that apple didn't fall far from the tree.

right uncle bubba and aunt princess.

FarmWife said...

Them's fightin' words, Mama!