June 17, 2007


Ok, Bitsy....with the exception of buying new nursing bras, this house is prepared for your arrival. I picked up the last of the things I needed Friday at Wal-Mart (2 pacifiers, more diapers, a wipes box, & a touch light for the changing table). QM, Art, & Syd came in Friday night packing one chest of drawers & Daddy came in yesterday morning packing a bureau. It's all done.

I took the kids to Busha & Bucka's yesterday morning so Husband could sleep in (He's worked 3 12 hour days in a row keeping him up until after 3 in the morning each day). The kids ran & played with Syd, climbed Bucka's tree, built with leggos, and had a blast. Art took me to lunch at Ophelia's Cup (a really cool little coffee shop in town)....as we were finishing our wraps (Roubidux...YUMMY), Daddy came in to order a sandwich for QM. He picked up our tab as well (thank you, Daddy). Then Art & I headed to Wal-Mart so she could shop a little for Bitsy. Art picked up baby washrags for us & a tiny stuffed baby doll for Bitsy.

We headed back to Busha's where the kids were playing Dora Dominoes with Grammy, loaded up everyone & headed back to the farm. I got here with all the kids first & much to their delight, Husband had brought two kittens home from Big BIL's house. They are so very precious! I'll try to get pictures later.

Art & I got the last of the baby clothes sorted & washed, then she headed back to Bucka's with QM, Syd, & Daddy. While they were gone, I made dinner, Husband rearranged the kids rooms so we could fit in the new drawers sets, & I put all the big kids clothes in their new homes. After dinner (& getting Syd ready for bed) Art came back, helped me fold & put away all the baby clothes, make the cradle, cover the changing pad, and then we got to sit & visit.

It was so nice to have the help, but more than that, it was wonderful to have my best friend in my living room on a Saturday night. That's what I miss the most about living far from home. I miss my family a good deal, but I see them fairly regularly (not as often as I'd like....but I cope). Art I only see a few times a year & this is only the second time she's made it up here since we moved to the farm. I loved being able to sit and talk to her face to face....to ohh & ahh over all the tiny gowns we were folding...to laugh & joke....to watch her love on my kids...to be totally entertained by Syd's singing & dancing (she's her mom in miniature)...to just be with my best friend. Thank you for all your help, Art...but most of all, for coming all this way to visit your waddling best friend! I love you.

Oh, & Bitsy finally has her own baby book...thank you QM & Daddy! Now if only I can keep up with it!


Unknown said...

Gosh, Farm Wife! I can't believe there are so few days left until Bitsy arrives. Good luck to you!! I hope that everything goes well for you and that you have the most beautful, healthy baby ever. How exciting!! S xxxxxxx

Lauren said...

Woo hoo!!! Now kick up your feet and rest. Baby Girl is old enough to be your big helper, right? ;-> (In theory, I know.)

anonymous jones said...

uh oh, kittens ... does that mean bunny is on the menu tonight?

Nan said...

We have a new baby! My new niece was born a little after 3am last night. She's beautiful.

I'm so glad you have everything ready. You and Bitsy are in my prayers.