June 15, 2007

Last post of the day....I promise

One more email:

STM said that Angel Baby came through the biopsy well. She did get mad once, after, and held her breath. She did have one other episode of not breathing, but since they gave her a muscle relaxant for the biopsy, the doctors felt like that was the reason for that episode. If she continued to do well overnight, they are going to remove the tube from her throat.

The doctor said that this biopsy, FRESH, will be back in 5 to 8 days. I guess the frozen one will take the month. STM will see her Oncologist this afternoon at 4:30, for consult on her biopsies and the plan of action required. He did share with her there are a few "issues" that they will have to discuss....we are praying it will just be her follow-up check-ups. STM told her mom, that if she got any bad news, she might loose it. Bless their hearts.

PTL!!!! One of Hubby's co-workers has donated his 80 hours of vacation to him!!!!! Personel called Hubby and told him about this!!!!! Thank you Lord, for allowing this man to help Hubby and STM!!!

The doctor has shared that he is baffled about Angel Baby......so maybe......she won't have the disorder mentioned in my previous emails!!! Pray, Pray and Pray!!!


Inkling said...

If it does turn out to be a mitochondrial issue, you might want to pass on this link......www.especiallyheather.com, and click on Emma Grace. Heather is a woman who just had surgery for a cancerous brain tumor, so her oral skills are a lot like Grandma's after the stroke. However, her writing remains pretty unaffected. I tell you that just in case STM wants to correspond with her. I think that would probably be too much. But her story about her daughter, Emma Grace, and the doctors who have helped her might be helpful for STM, should there truly be a need.

Nan said...

Sorry I haven't been able to keep up a lot lately. Very busy time. I'll be praying for her. My nephew's wife is scheduled to deliver on Monday morning so please pray that everything goes well for her also. So far so good.