Today I am more than slightly cracked. I'm seriously broken. I went to gather eggs today and found one that hadn't properly formed. The shell was paper thin & from the looks of it, not entirely hardened before it was laid. I put it in the bowl I was carrying & took it out to feed to the cats. When I picked it up from the bowl, the slightest pressure was enough to make it explode & send egg yolk flying across the path where the cats were waiting to devour it. That's how I feel today. The slightest pressure & I may explode sending my innards across the room.
Last night I discovered that there is no point in even climbing into my own bed. I crawled into bed at 11 and couldn't get comfortable. I eventually fell asleep despite the pain I was in. I woke up at 12:50 & decided to head to the recliner for the rest of the night...it was all I could do to heft myself out of bed & shuffle into the living room. With B.B. I had to use my Great-grandma's walker to get to the bathroom in the night. I haven't had to resort to that yet & thought I was doing better until last night. That's when I realized that the only reason I haven't had to use the walker is because I've spent most of my time sleeping in the recliner. If I slept in bed, I'd be in pain constantly.
BabyGirl was the first one up this morning, so I turned on Higglytown Heroes for her & tried to drift back off to sleep. The boys were both up within 30 minutes & she started fighting with them...about nothing. They weren't even talking to her & she was yelling at them & picking fights.
Husband and I have bickered & fought most of today. He got up on the wrong side of the bed & has driven me crazy...not that I had far to go. He finally left for work & for the first time in quite a while, I was relieved. Usually I don't want him to go. Today it was for the best.
#1 Son has griped & whined about everything today. Every time he's told to do or not to do something he says, "Why?!" or "How do you know?" or simply yells that he's going to kill me or kick me or pinch me(a new development that is not going over well as you can imagine). Because of this, he's spent a good deal of time confined to his room today.
Oh, and did I mention he decided to write on the side of my van with a rock sometime in the past 2 days? And not just a little scribble...more like 2 circular shapes the size of the bottom of soda cans. Yeah, I'm not happy about this...not at all.
Warning: TMI ahead. My bowls are in an uproar today. Constipation has set in (not usual for late pregnancy for me), and that's never a good thing. TMI complete.
I'm exhausted. I'm grumpy. None of my pants fit...except the underbelly maternity pants & I've worn all them lately. If anyone hits, pinches, pushes, kicks, bites, or yells at anyone else I may lock them all in the dungeon...anyone want to dig me a dungeon? Bitsy is rolling & kicking & it's not the gentle heart warming flutters of early pregnancy. It's more like when the alien busted out through Sigourney Weaver'a stomach. 
Painful. Uncomfortable. Unpleasant. Remember when I vowed to enjoy my last pregnancy? Yeah, well, I'm over it. Way over it. I'm ready for Bitsy to leave her warm little cocoon & join us in the "real world" (not that I live under the delusion that I'll get anymore rest or really feel any better after abdominal surgery...but it'll be a change from how I feel now...and there'll be better drugs...and nurses...and 3 days with room service).
I've changed back into my PJ's and want to crash for the night...too bad it's only 4:12 pm. I did plan on getting Bitsy's clothes out of the closet & washing them today. I can't put them away until Art comes with the chest of drawers, but at least they'll be clean & I can pack my suit case for the hospital...since I can technically make that trip anytime after Monday. Maybe I'll get to it tomorrow. Maybe I'll check myself into a sanitarium (do they still have those?). Maybe I'll just lay in the recliner & let my kids destroy the house. I wonder when Uncle E's girls get home...maybe I'll ship the kids off to them for the evening.
Husband & BabyGirl did get me an African Violet when we were at the store today. It's pretty. I hope I don't kill it. That was sweet. It's too bad I haven't really been in the frame of mind to enjoy it.
you're having a bad day too? I hope your day goes better than mine..I'm telling you, you can have royal princess..At this point I've thought about shoving her back in the womb..Not that it could be possible...Just entertaining the thought.
wow! bad days must be on the radar today! I could have wrote this only changing a couple of details like my little one is here now and she won't let me put her down! I feel your pain.....maybe tomorrow will be better. I know it is not too much comfort to you right now but you really are at the end of your pregnancy and once it is over you really will feel better. It will be a different type of tired then. Trust me if I can have 4 kids so can you!:)
Saying a prayer for you right now.
Chin up!
hubby's gramma swears the trick to not over-watering violets is to water them from the bottom, setting them in a shallow tray or small sour cream container (with water, not sour cream, of course).
So sorry it was a rough day. :-(
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