God bless Unkie Di. Last night the kids were climbing the walls...it was hot...I was tired...we were all still in our PJ's (at 4 in the afternoon)...they wanted to play outside...I couldn't walk well...they were destroying their clean rooms...and Unkie Di pulled up the drive. She had been to check up on Uncle Gick who was farming near us. She asked #1 Son if he wanted to go farming but he turned her down (he's holding out for a ride in the combine this fall). BabyGirl jumped at the chance & off she went.
Now, I love my daughter, but sometimes she is fuel on the fire. If you take her out of the house, things can settle down quickly. In fact, after she headed out to farm I knew I could handle the boys outside, so we dressed & they helped me cut weeds around the trees.
She came home just after I put the boys in bed for the night, dusty, tired, packing an orange soda, a dollar, and corn she gleaned from the field for our horse...and happy as a lark. She doesn't often get soda, so that was a real treat. The dollar was her pay for farming. She's saving it to buy a car when she's big.
She helped Uncle Gick plant 27 acres of beans. Unkie Di watched with her camera in hand and emailed me 8 pics this morning. The one above is one of my favorites!
I'm so glad we live near Uncle Gick & Unkie Di. Some of my favorite memories as a small girl are of riding in Gick's semi on the way to Busha & Bucka's. He doesn't truck full time like he did then, but the kids are making their own memories farming with him.
This is a wordless wednesday picture for sure. It just says so many things to me.
I love that picture. They are right in step with each other.
Farming sure pays better then trucking or maybe you just weren't awake long enough to help drive the truck.
If she learns how to drive that tractor will Uncle Gick and Unkie Di buy her something shiny?
that pic is awesome.
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