April 12, 2007

Fun with aunts and uncles

I knew I wouldn't make it long before posting. Tonight we went to Busha and Bucka's after school. Uncle R is up visiting from Florida and I needed to get the cell phone from Busha. We had a nice visit...the kids were quiet as church mice for the first 2 hours we were there. I figure it was because Uncle R was there and they aren't used to him since he only gets to visit a couple of times a year.

During dinner the kids started getting braver. #1 Son came and sat at the table to "watch B.B. eat." He decided we needed dinner entertainment, so he began telling the Three Little Pigs. He got through it once & was applauded, so he announced that he would keep telling it as long as people were eating. That was OK until he informed us that every time he messed up, he'd have to start over again. That turned into every time he was interrupted he'd start over again. I had to send BabyGirl away from the table so he could get past, "Once upon a time there were three little pigs."

Bucka came up from the mud room half way through the 4th telling (or so) and started harassing #1 Son. #1 Son kept having to start the story over again and he was getting frustrated. Finally he turned to Bucka and said, "You ran into my words!" Then he informed us, "Only I can talk." And he started again.

This time B.B. decided to join in the telling and I feared #1 Son would start over yet again. Instead he turned to Uncle R and said, "Only B.B. can help me." To which Uncle R replied, "Oh, OK." And #1 Son gave out an exasperated sigh and moaned, "Now I have to start again! Once upon a time..." By this time he had told the story at least 5 full times and started over more than half a dozen times. I sat down on the floor and buried my face in my hands and laughed. "Mommy, why are you on the floor? Why are you laughing so quiet?" It was all I could do to regain my composure and let him finish one last time.

Shortly after all this, Unkie Di started catching #1 Son as he'd run by and wrestling him up into her lap. Then she'd kiss him all over his face while he squealed and laughed and tried to escape. Uncle Gick started hollering at him, "Hey! You quit kissing my Unkie Di!" and #1 Son would try to explain that he was the innocent party. Uncle Gick wouldn't believe him and another fight would ensue. By the time it was all over all 3 of the kids were wrestling with Unkie Di in the arm chair. Unkie Di played dead and the kids were trying to revive her. We told them to kiss her to wake her up. B.B. moved in like he was going to kiss her, but chickened out at the last minute and took a step back. #1 Son jumped in and kissed her on the cheek and her eyes popped open and her head popped up and B.B jumped straight back and ran.

It was a good visit.

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