March 14, 2007

James Bond, VBACs, and Fancy Dresses

Is it my imagination, or is James Bond's new alias Clinton Kelly from What Not to Wear?

Why can't I find new replacement valves for Munchkin Sippy cups? The Playtex cups we bought when BabyGirl was learning to use them are still holding their own. The valves never fall out. But Munchkin valves need replacing every 6 months or so...and NO ONE carries them! I can't even find them online to order.

I've gained another 3 pounds according to the scales at Doc's office. That brings the grand total to 108...yup, you read that right. And you thought I was joking when I said I was skinny.

We had a very long discussion about VBAC's and the pros and cons of having one. When I was expecting BabyGirl they were being pushed in all the parenting magazines and in lots of doctors' offices. I was surprised to find they are not well supported at all 6 years later. Doc laid it all out for us very frankly. He never said no or tried to dissuade us, but he did make it very clear what the risks are. He also said this was a topic he would like to revisit with us (unlike the first doc we saw who barely wanted to talk about it at all).

Doc's biggest concern is that even though complications are unlikely, they happen quick and are VERY serious. In short, if there's a problem (i.e. uterine rupture), Bitsy would need to be out in about 3 minutes & that is not an easy task (or even a possible task in most cases). After that you are looking at permanent brain damage. That is not a risk I'm willing to take. I told Husband if the risk was to me and something non-life threatening I'd be more willing to think about it, but fact of the matter is, it isn't. It's all about Bitsy and I will not play with her well being.

Doc said that he has gone in to do C-sections (for other reasons) on mothers attempting VBACs and discovered a separation in the uterine scar. And there is no way to monitor the uterus to see if it is separating. He said the biggest issue is that what seem to be small, unrelated problems during labor very suddenly become very large, very serious, very dangerous problems very quickly. But all that being said, he told us it was something we would have to discuss and decide. To be honest, I don't think there's much of a decision to make in light of this.

It is now 82 outside...yes, This Mom, you read that right...82 degrees (it's only supposed to be 75). I think we'll make a trip to the playground after school. It's supposed only to hit 65 tomorrow, but then it's supposed to drop 50 and stay there for a while. Guess I shouldn't pack away all the winter stuff just yet.

Tomorrow I have to pick up the interfacing to start my dress ...then comes the part that makes me the most nervous: cutting out the fabric. It's in the wash right now so I can start work on it tomorrow. Yikes!

Q.M. has headed home. She surprised us while we were waiting to pick BabyGirl up outside her classroom today. I am always sad when she leaves. I know I'll see her again just after Easter, but I can't help missing her (and Daddy). I guess I never thought I'd live this far away from them. I really shouldn't complain's not like I'm in Inkling's boat.
BabyGirl came home with prizes today. 3 books and a pack of Juicy Fruit. I asked her what they were for and she said they were because she "colored the best farm picture in the whole entire kindergarten." And "no one else got as many prizes as she did." And they took her picture...just other kindergartners. Apparently there was a coloring contest during the Ag Day they had a few weeks back. It's all news to me. I want to see the picture she colored.


Unknown said...

Hi Farm Wife. Can you tell me, what is a VBAC ? It sounds scary. S

Inkling said...

Farmwife, my friend here has had three c-sections due to her bone structure, and she handled the last one even better than the first and second. So, at least that's one person who has made it through as many as you are contemplating. I asked her about vaginal birth after c-section, and she said she couldn't even consider it because her pelvic bones were too small/birth canal too restrictive.'s my suggestion for cutting out fabric without fear. If you weren't pregnant, I'd just tell you to have a glass or two or three of wine. Enough to give you courage, but not enough to make you cut crooked. But alas, it will be eons before you can enjoy wine with me. So here's my suggestion.....

Get some really nice undergarments that you wouldn't mind showing in public. Drape beautiful lengths of fabric around aforementioned undergarments. Safety pin thoroughly. If you have a wardrobe malfunction, at least your underthings are cute. If not, you're good to go.

What do you think? Think of how much money and time that would save! No hemming, no zippers, no need to buy thread or interfacing. The Greeks and Romans did it. Why not you?

Okay, so I'm a little cheeky today. =)

Anonymous said...

If I was stretch armstrong I'd reach across there and cut the pattern out for you..But I haven't figured out how to activate that super power yet. You'll do great..I have faith..Hugs

Lauren said...

I think I'd make the same choice you appear to be leaning toward.

Good luck with the dress! Can't wait to see pics!

Nan said...

I don't know what a VBAC is either. I think I figured out the VB, but I'm stumped on the AC.

zann said...

VBAC= Vaginal Birth After C-section right? I did the detective work through Inklings' reply, after being clueless myself. And I think I've got it right. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Good luck cutting out the pattern. I'm procrastinating sewing the button back on J's pants for fear of messing it up so see, there are those worse off than you :P

Anonymous said...

Well written article.