At any rate, the discussion of Minivans that began with the boys over at Daddy Daze, has inspired me to write about my beast...and maybe even host a short, prizeless contest.
When we moved to the country 4 years ago, I was sporting around in my little silver plum 1998 Saturn SW2 wagon. Husband and I bought her (Sadie) after he ran my pride and joy into a tree 9 days after our wedding. In Husband's defence, we were on the way to church, there was ice, I do not drive in it & made him take over, he hit a patch of ice, the car spun & the rest is history. I loved the dearly departed car. Her name was Carol Ann (after the Poltergeist girl) and she was a white '92 Plymouth Sundance 4-door hatchback. My first real car...because you can't really count the '77 Ford Laundau LTD that only ran for a month.
Shortly before we settled in the boondocks, Sadie began having issues. Turns out she needed a tune up, but it made Husband & me a little nervous. She was paid for & we didn't want a new car payment on top of a new house payment. So we waited.
After #1 Son was born, we realized Sadie was not exactly as family friendly as we thought. I wanted her specifically for the car seats I planned on strapping in her back seat. With 2 back there, it became clear that a larger mode of transportation would be needed if our family was to expand. As it stood anyone over 98 lbs could not ride in the car with us; they simply wouldn't fit between the car seats. I began my campaign for a minivan.
In my dreams I saw a red (it was cooler), brand new, Chevy Venture with fold and go seats, a 6 CD changer, a flip down DVD player, dual automatic sliding doors, captains chairs, leather seats, lots of storage cubbies, and possibly ghost flames painted down the sides (OK, so I knew the flames were a tad much, but I was dreaming after all). Finally Husband saw the same need I least in the size department.
We headed off to the dealership with a 2 1/2 year old BabyGirl & 9 month old #1 Son in tow. Before the day was over, we had looked at a few, driven one, hunted down specifics, cleaned BabyGirl vomit from the floor of the salesman's office, filled out enough paperwork to sell a kidney, used Daddy's GM employee discount, and came home with the promise of a new Chevy Astro in Dark Red (at least I got close on the color if nothing else). The Astro was bigger than the Venture (so technically not mini but midsized), sat higher than the Venture (a good thing when you live 1/2 a mile down a gravel road), sat one more than the Venture, and was much cheaper than the Venture (wonderful for a single income family). We picked it up a few days later & said good bye to Sadie.
When we drove it to church on Sunday everyone was surprised that we had picked out something so big. Husband joked that we only needed to work on filling it up with car seats. Little did we know that I was already pregnant with B.B. In fact, we didn't know it until we'd had the van a full month...and he'd been there since well before we went shopping to begin with.
I didn't get my DVD player. I can only put in one CD at a time. The seats do not fold and go. There are no ghost flames. But all four car seats will fit and no one can touch anyone else. That is a fantastic plus. She doesn't get great gas mileage, but we don't go very far very often. She is not little, so I am never worried about what Bubba refers to as, "Those psychotic soccer moms talking on their cell phones and driving like Cruella De'Ville" (no offense if you are one). I can change a diaper in the floor between the front seats & carry a little potty chair in the back. There are a few storage bins & enough cup holders to get us by. And if I ever get a portable DVD player, there are enough plug-ins to more than accommodate. In all, she's a good friend. A nameless friend, but a good one.
This is where the contest comes in: Name my mini-van...please. I have thus far been uninspired. As she is now 3 years old, I thing it's time to name the poor beast. I need your input on this one. I promise to give whomever picks the best name for her total bragging rights (not much, but it's all I got). Maybe I'll make a banner you can post on your blog saying, "I named Farm Wife's Minivan." But then I'd have to figure out how to do that. Perhaps we'll stick with bragging rights.
The photo is from the day of my wreck last summer (when I was hit by another woman in a minivan). The damage doesn't look bad in this photo, especially if you don't blow it up.
After pondering various Latin names, I landed on an entirely different idea. I hereby dub thee, Gertrude, Farmwife's trusty steed. (Can a steed have a girl's name? Obviously, this city girl has no idea.) Anyway.....I like Gertrude. She sounds motherly and responsible, able to handle Larry Boys, vomiting, car fights, dropped sippy cups, and loads of groceries. She is like the strong, wise counselor you can whisper your troubles to as you drive down the gravel road. And when you are in a girly, "I left my kids at home with a babysitter", sexy mood, she too can understand. Just call her Trudy then. Yes, I like the name Gertrude.
I suggest "Mammy" like the Gone With The Wind Mammy. She's a large gal who takes care of the family with a mighty vengance.
Of course, I just now read Inkling's suggestion and apparently she has the same image in here head of what role your car is playing... and I like Gertrude too. Or Helga. Helga is a good strong motherly name.
She looks like a "Brumhilda" to me, but what do I know my vacuum is Denny the Dyson. Yes, I know I need help.
I dunno...I think she looks like a "Scarlett." =P Is that colorist of me?
All previous ideas sound great to me...
Gertrude is, I admit, my favorite...
I thought of Cruella, as in an ironic way of calling her everything she's not supposed to be or to stand for... But then again, that's just my lousy excuse for not having much inspiration tonight and also because I had a real good laugh when reading Bubba's words about soccer moms so the Cruella-episode stayed in my mind ;-)
hmmmm... Gertrude/Trudy sounds good to me. I'm TERRIBLE at naming cars. Neither of ours have names.
I love naming cars... I don't have mine yet but I definitely know how I will call it : Georgette... You could try that on yours too :-)
Or Edma?
My suggestions are Gwen or perhaps Maria.
MEDUSA.......then if you ever get the flames it will work too. Something edgy and a tad evil so your wild side doesn't get lost all together.
I think you need to take another look at the undercarriage to check the gender. It looks like a man-van to me, and it may be slightly embarassed if you give him a feminine name.
If it's male, it may not have all the speed of a sleek female but it would be very protective of you. It may blow a little smoke out the exhaust occasionally, but I think it would go about its business nicely without thirty things bouncing around in its engine. It wouldn't mind a little mess around the kiddie seats, and would make you feel beautiful when you snuggled down in yours.
If you aren't sure of the gender, go for a name like Sam, or Pat. Could be either, and sooner or later when the gender makes itself known, and it will, the name will still fit.
If you're sure its female...I like Gert, Gertie, Gertrude too.
I am still loving Brumhilda... I would call her Hildie :)
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