February 1, 2007

Time to Shop!!!

Break out the PINK!!!!!!!

Need I say more? BabyGirl will be beside herself. I cannot wait to go get her from school!

There is a 2 mm. hole in the baby's heart, but this is VERY common at this stage in pregnancy. The ultrasound tech said almost 9 out of 10 babies have it. They don't see the need for a follow up, so I am not going to stress about it. B.B. had the same thing, and his healed well before birth. Worst Case Scenario is a slight murmur after the baby is born, but even that is unlikely.

Husband is sick again. I feel so bad for him...and was just thinking how nice it was to have everyone healthy again.

I got an email from my aunt this morning. She said she spoke with Jr.'s grandmother and the doctor did not put Jill on bed rest. They do want her to carry 4 more weeks, but as far as we know, things are going well with her.

In other news, I got an email from another friend of mine today. She lurks here to keep up with us and has been following all the pregnancy issues. I used to baby sit for her and her brother and sister when I was in high school. She lived across the street from us. As her name is also Lauren, I'll call her Lauren B. to keep her distinct from our "wandering" Lauren.

At any rate, Lauren B. is expecting her second baby (a girl) a few weeks before I'm due. At her last ultrasound, they found a solid mass on her uterus. She goes to have a level II ultrasound done at a specialist in St.Louis on Feb 12th. Right now they're hoping this is nothing that could be life threatening to her or the baby. Her doctor & the radiologist weren't sure what to make of the mass. She and her husband wish they could get in to the specialist sooner, but no such luck. She asked if I'd keep them in my prayers and I said yes. I asked if I could post about it here as the more prayer the better and she said please do. I know you all will be praying for her just as you have been for the rest of us.

And Happy Gotcha' Day to Brando & Yin! Congrats!


Brando said...

YEAAHHHH!!!! A baby GIRL!!! I am beside myself with excitement for your family and baby girl. We are going to have to change her name to #1BG.


emily said...

A Girl! Oh how wonderful. I'm so happy for you all. Pink!

Lauren said...

Congratulations!!!!! How exciting- now you and baby girl won't be outnumbered.

I'll be praying for Lauren B. and her baby. How scary!

Anita said...

I am tickled PINK !

Nan said...

Can't wait to hear what Baby Girl said when you told her. Sisters... there's nothing like 'em.

Nan said...
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Ramblin73 said...

Congrates for pink! The hole is common. Most of us have it at this stage and it closes of at or shortly after birth. It is where the babys blood doesn't go to the babys lung yet because you are doing the blood oxygenation for her. At birth the hole closes off and the blood goes to her own lungs for the oxygen. Congrates again!

Anonymous said...


now I need your address for sure girly girl!!!

send me an email! NOT KIDDING HERE!!

I'll say prayers for your friend Lauren B.

Congrats FarmFamily!!

Sarah said...



Ragged Around the Edges said...

Ooooh, I was waiting all day to find this out and just now got a chance to get online to check.

Congratulations. I think Ragged is a lovely name for a little girl.