January 5, 2007

An Entire Year of Farm Wife

A picture for Uncle Greenteeth.

Princess and Axl sold their house yesterday!!! This is a pretty big deal. They live in Nashville and were wanting to get out of the city. They just bought the house last January and once they were settled, Princess realized it wasn't the palace she needed...and they've been trying to sell since well before H.T. was born. They want to move further south to be closer to Queen Mother and Daddy and Axl's family. At the moment, they're staying with Axl's mom, sister, grands, aunt, & uncle in the house they all live in. Axl's mom babysits H.T. while Princess & Axl are at work, so it's been easier for them to stay there then make the extra trip down everyday.

At any rate, a man who owns rental properties took an interest in the house a few weeks ago. But then he had to go out of town. When he came back, he made an offer. They countered, he accepted, and they have a closing date!! Princess must be relieved. I'll call her later today.

B.B. slept all night last night. #1 Son got up at 5:30 because he needed his music turned on. They go to bed to a CD each night, but at 5:30 we opted for nature sounds instead. It's supposed to be wind and crickets, but I mistakenly called it "the frogs" one day, and the frogs it has stayed.

Thank you all for welcoming The Queen Mother so fully. 10 comments on her first post...not bad! Daddy didn't know she had started it until I mentioned it on the phone last night. Whoops. Maybe he'll join us as well...but I'm not holding my breath.

By the way...today is my 1 year blogging anniversary! Can you believe it? Almost 290 posts in 1 year (and we didn't have Internet for about 6 1/2 months). This is where it all began.


Anonymous said...

My reading has not caught up to my comprehension or vice versa..I swear I read the intro to the post three times before I realized what it really said. I thought you were saying the picture was Uncle Greenteeth. This cold weather, wind, and rain, and snow has affected my brain!! I need to thaw!

FarmWife said...

Well, Ang, some of us think Uncle Greenteeth is just a tad Barney Fife...so maybe that is what I meant.

Anonymous said...


needlefingers said...

Happy Blogiversary!

I'm coming up on four years and I haven't even posted 290 yet. ;)