April 16, 2006

The Point

The Carpenter

Did you make crosses in your carpenter shop near the place where you laid your head?

With your father Joseph did you pound in the nails?

Could you see that far ahead?

And did you know that the wood that you worked with and carved would on day hold you up?

And did you know that the nails that you drove through the wood would one day pierce your hands?

As a boy in the wood when you cut down a tree did it give you such a thrill?

When you carried it home with it’s weight on your back, did you think of that rocky hill?

And did you know that a tree near the place where you lived might one day be cut for you?

And did you know that the weight of that tree on your back would one day bring you down?

When a splinter entered your thumb did you call for your dad, knowing everything would soon be well?

Did you think of the pain you’d bear for the sins of the world, every time your hammer fell?

And did you know that one-day with splinters in your back you’d cry, “Father! Have you forgotten me?”

And, Jesus, did you know that that very day you made a cross for me?

So help me carry its weight don’t let me crumble to the ground.

Let me be crucified on Calvary, on a cross for me, made by thee on Calvary.

Last night I was stuffing eggs and filling the Easter basket for the kids when I realized I didn't get them half the stuff I did last year. I started to feel bad about it and was beginning to wonder if I could sneak in a trip to town before church this morning (yeah, right) when it hit me, that is not the point.

I need to remember what today is about. If I don't keep it in mind, who's going to teach my kids what Easter is about? The point is that I use today to teach my kids about a savior that gave all for them. That I help them understand just how much Christ loves them. That they learn there is wonder working power in the soul cleansing Blood of the Lamb. That's the point. He went to that tree for me. He bore that pain for me. That is the point.

Christ the Lord is Risen today, Alleluia!

Sons of men and angels say: Alleluia!

Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!

Sing, ye heavens and earth reply, Alleluia!


Anonymous said...

You put the day in its proper place.
Hunts,hats, and ham are all wonderful but do not feed your soul.
Thanks for the message.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Happy Easter.

Nan said...

Ah, your mama writes well too! I see where you get your talent!